VR shenanigans with Puppers & Jake
Want some Monto Merch?
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klepto monto
I love how angry he gets whenever someone questions his random items 😭
i waited the whole video for a sentence like "i don't give a fork" o.O xD
This is the worst vid of phasmophobia u ever made
Without vr is better imo
Best video
Lol teleports outside must have done extreme editing so we don’t see his hax lol
Smell! Alcoholic! You!
Like for this brave man
Everyone stream phasmophobia .
Monto: I'm a steel your forks.
Puppers die.
Monto: I'm a take your kettle now
0:39 WTF… I can't stop laughing, stop it please, Monto… LOL Please do the backpack dance next time XDDDD
18:20 spencer's last breathe lol
Monto was sent to the shadow realm. Literally.
VR is very hard to watch.
never laughed so much at monto and his dumb actions. keep it up!
Definitely best vid of phasmophobia yet. Loving the VR lol especially since Puppers seems to break 🤣
Phasmophobia definitely seems better with VR, although what do you think so far?
It’s ghost orbs or death
I'm happy you have fun but I feel nauseas watching this 😣
broke the matrix XD
You stole all my forks ! Probably why there's only two left in the kitchen's drawyer, they kinda disapear for some reason 😅👌
Ever played sign of silence I definitely recommend giving that game a try
31:46 Lit
Is puppers drunk?? XD
Puppers condition seems like it’s deteriorating with each video. Hope speech therapy goes well for him, he’s such a nice and kind soul. He deserves it
Does anyone know why Puppers sounds so wasted in every Video? xD
I remember when Monto played DbD with Max a few years ago and he didn't sound like he drank 10 shots back to back.
33:37 He's starting to believe
monto taking pictures of the ghost like hes just doing a random photoshoot. i live. 😂
0:11 theres something in his voice, that i LOVE TO HEAR xd literally everytime. He sounds so dead but also full of passion
Ghost: kills montos friend
Monto: now im gonna take your forks AND your kettle
Yo Monto is such a jerk 😂
This phas videos are the best with or without vr just wanted to say your content has giving me some great laughs your playstyle in any game always seems to make it fun. Keep up the great stuff
This is why we only get paid $20 a job…
15:40 that was the most epic pic from this game I've ever seen
This has to be one of the most awkward but funny intros ever
Do a toxic mikey build today because it's my birthday
Why does puppers sound like he's drunk while playing this game?
Spirit: I will let you escape with both of your friends!
Monto: A Kettle and six forks, take it or leave it
Spirit: …
Monto the ghost hunter with goldfish attention span
I love how he’s like: “oh, a plate. GET THE F*CK OUTTA MY WAY”
Bro big fan I love ur videos…..😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
“I’m gonna guess banshee”
“I clicked spirit”
“I don’t have hands”
Well, my guy didn’t steal all the favored SPOONS.
(You probably know what to do, sequel the stolen utensils)
what vr brand are you using?
More VR pls 🙂
Why every time he laugh he coffs xdxd