Partner?! Hell yes, Skizz! I remember when you became Affiliate and had difficulty getting your stream-time up, and you really have seemed to settle in lately. This is such good news. We are all so proud of you, buddeh. <3
I can't play this game but I have a question: When you say you see/hear a ghost but the others don't, is it because the sanity level prevents the ghost from being seen by them if their sanity level is still high enough?
things to know in this game if you don’t: -if your light flickers then the ghost is on the hunt to kill you so hide preferably not in the room the ghost is in but if you can’t run then try hide in a closet or corner of the room -if the temp goes on 10°C or low in a room that’s the room the ghost is in -if there is breath but doesn’t show minus degrees on the temp gun it’s still freezing temps -take pictures of dead bodies, dolls, bones, dirty water and fingerprints/handprints for more money -if your sanity is really low be careful because the ghost is more likely to hunt and go after the person with the lowest sanity
😂😂😂 Omg Skizz I cannot, I'm so glad I stuck around until the end because that story is hilarious HAHHAA and I can totally buy something like that happening!!! Only you Skizz, only you LOL
Congrats Skizz on becoming a Twitch Partner, and I have to thank you for making me laugh. There hasn't been much in my life to make me even smile this year. My mum passed away on the 13th Jan and I lost my home and my health isn't the best but hearing you scream when you play this game and minecraft cracks me up. Keep on being you and making everyone happy 😀
lol, that first one was over the second they found the ouijia board! This is going to be good 😀
Can anyone tell me the name of the song playing at the start??
Watched the stream!😀 always a great time. Like to see you three have fun. I watch all three later👍
Congrats on partner Skizzleman
That song though!!! I love it!!!
Partner?! Hell yes, Skizz! I remember when you became Affiliate and had difficulty getting your stream-time up, and you really have seemed to settle in lately. This is such good news. We are all so proud of you, buddeh. <3
Skizz, beard looks amazing, keep it !
Congratulations on making partner my man! So happy for you, you deserve it homie buddeh! All the best
Congrats on getting Partner Skizz!!
The scream at 1:38:50 is perfect!!!😂
Congrats on partner Skizz. BTDubs what did impulse say when you showed him the ghost following him.
Congrats on becoming a Twitch Partner, Skizz!
I can't play this game but I have a question: When you say you see/hear a ghost but the others don't, is it because the sanity level prevents the ghost from being seen by them if their sanity level is still high enough?
Imagine playing this in VR!
In my opinion, it was the beard that influenced the partnership! All joking aside, congratulations Skizz!!!
youre the funniest guy ive ever seen!
congratulations! you are the best medicine for an off day!
🤣🤣🤣i just wish i could watch these live. So funny dude. X
things to know in this game if you don’t:
-if your light flickers then the ghost is on the hunt to kill you so hide preferably not in the room the ghost is in but if you can’t run then try hide in a closet or corner of the room
-if the temp goes on 10°C or low in a room that’s the room the ghost is in
-if there is breath but doesn’t show minus degrees on the temp gun it’s still freezing temps
-take pictures of dead bodies, dolls, bones, dirty water and fingerprints/handprints for more money
-if your sanity is really low be careful because the ghost is more likely to hunt and go after the person with the lowest sanity
How would you and the boys like to play finding bigfoot? Just as terrifying so plenty of screams!!!
I don't know why Skizz doesn't have a million followers. He's just too funny ♥️
Parabolic microphone is a microphone that take sound from far away, not from a close
I've never played phamophobia myself so I'm learning with you and I love it. It's so fun to watch.
That ghost in the Highschool was so creepy, but great to watch how it hunted impulse
😂😂😂 Omg Skizz I cannot, I'm so glad I stuck around until the end because that story is hilarious HAHHAA and I can totally buy something like that happening!!! Only you Skizz, only you LOL
Congrats Skizz on becoming a Twitch Partner, and I have to thank you for making me laugh. There hasn't been much in my life to make me even smile this year. My mum passed away on the 13th Jan and I lost my home and my health isn't the best but hearing you scream when you play this game and minecraft cracks me up. Keep on being you and making everyone happy 😀
I finally found Skizz! Lol!
Skizz should hide in a closet and wait for Tango or Impulse to discover him. Scaring Paul part 2!
Stream starts 9:11