Taking Children to the Asylum! – LVL 2191 Phasmophobia

PROTECT THE CHILDREN! This was hilarious, I love public lobbies in Phasmophobia so much. You’ll meet the most interesting people, and almost everyone is super nice and wholesome! I hope you enjoy this run! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀

I stream every day live at 19:00 CET, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST over on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Join the community discord: https://discord.gg/insym

NOTE: this video was recorded on patch v0.25.9.5


36 thoughts on “Taking Children to the Asylum! – LVL 2191 Phasmophobia”

  1. Challenge/Condition Idea #1

    ONE AND DONE: do everything in one trip; definition is flexible, but the idea was inspired by laziness (bringing groceries from car to house). The more lazy/unprepared you feel, the more true the definition is to the challenge.
    Definition Ideas –
    1) Only enter the location once, marked by the indoor ambience? This allows for stocking items at the door before starting but prevents in-location decisions motivated by orb info. The same is true for activity (except on Asylum). Also allows of outdoor investigating (except on Asylum).
    2) Only leave the truck once, marked by changing footstep sound upon leaving the ramp. Differences from previous are minor/nonexistent?
    3) Complete outer-location movement in one loop. The trip FROM the whiteboard back TO the whiteboard is a single loop, excluding inside the location. Once your movement shortens the shortest path to the closest location exit, the loop has started, along with the only allowed trip TO the location. Once there is outdoor movement that lengthens the shortest path to the location exit, all movement must bring the character closer to the whiteboard (or keypad is fine in this case). Bringing 4+ items would only be possible by juggling to the location exit in one trip. Outdoor investigation would be limited/impossible. Orb observation would only be possible just before leaving. The same is true for activity (except on Asylum).
    *Note1: I highly recommend adding an extra condition. The photo journal may only be opened inside the location. This means you must commit your ghost assessment before leaving. The main reason is to avoid using the activity chart (could maybe improvise a rule for Asylum like closing the exit and possibly blocking the exit windows?). Having to assume orbs is a necessary side-effect.
    *Note2: I usually dislike challenges that screw up the photo rewards, but I respect that money can start feeling pointless yet level is an ever-rising high score. Include a condition that requires photo potential if indulging in completionist mindset or money matters. Condition could be, "Must take photos that COULD randomize a score of 500 (or $40)." Could lower max potential for ONE camera or allow for error. Exclude the photo condition if exp and/or speed are priority. Or mix as desired.
    ***Sidenote: DC should include a way to see max photo reward potential mid-game. Min as well if he's feeling it.
    *Note3: Failure to follow rules or achieve goal is simply penalized by voiding the single run. The streak only ends upon dying or claiming the wrong ghost type. Goal may be an exp goal or money goal before ending the streak. Or goal may be some # of non-voided runs during a streak within a time limit. Or goal may be a streak high score depending on if it's hard enough to justify that end condition.
    *Note4: Side objectives are desirable for money and exp. Restrictions on total items allowed could be used to respect the "lazy" factor of this challenge while still leaving room for side objective items (or simply making those items exceptions). Of course the challenge can work as a speedrun, so the inclusion of side objective items is not part of the core definition.

    😮💦 Wow I did not realize it would take this much text to explain it thoroughly. The true challenge idea was supposed to be 2 ideas put together, but either/both of these can be added to most anything. Idea #2 will be in a separate comment.

  2. Challenge/Condition Idea #2

    CLAUSTROPHOBIC: this one is simple. Players are not allowed to close any doors enough to prevent their ability to pass, at any time, for any reason. Doors which are loaded closed or moved to such a position by the ghost can be left as such if desired. I don't think I'm forgetting anything…it's pretty simple, yeah?

    Well, Insym, can you handle some Claustrophobic One and Done runs? Or maybe these conditions can be combined with ones you've done in the past? Looking forward to seeing you push the envelope ❤ I wonder if you can handle revenants without smudge or doors? Perhaps using ears and line-of-sight alone? Maybe some luck? 😂

  3. I missed the stream today, am sad :c my allergy meds made me all sleepy and i slept until 5pm, and your stream ends at 3 pm on weekends for me. can't be itchy if i'm passed out i guess hehe anyway ill be on ur yt a bit aha

  4. wow glitch door time 😛 wth was that?😂😂😂😂 anyway i need to ask somethin. is it true that the ghosts cant hunt you, unless you have 60% sanity and lower??

  5. I know this is not relevant on this map but..xD I would love to see the manekins (or anything) teleport more. Like, imagine if ure in the basement, talking to the ghost, the manekin disappears, and on your way out u find it right in front of the door.. like.. I would altF4 xD

  6. Also, for the doors, you can't go through the doors individually, only seems to work by walking at the center. Think the issue has to do with clipping or the two doors not properly working together in the coding or something.

  7. To the person in the twitch chat ymaginary @2:17 who will never see this: Paying to get someone murked can absolutely be a chaotic neutral action, so long as the intention of the action was for the character's own surety. While it could also fall under Neutral evil, or even chaotic evil, it all depends on the reason. An example that would be chaotic neutral would be if a collector was trying to take your home, and you paid someone to get rid of them. If the intent isn't to come out ahead (neutral evil), just to get your rocks off (chaotic evil), or to save an orphanage from a would-be arsonist (chaotic good), then it would most commonly fall under chaotic neutral. In D&D chaotic neutral is the most "bleh" alignment there is, as a character can pretty much do anything and remain chaotic neutral so long as they can phrase it the right way. Lots of DM's and groups in general will not allow or at least look down upon chaotic neutral characters because it's so all encompassing and often defeats the purpose of even having an alignment.


  8. As a side note: Does anyone know if looping is on the table for DK? I don't see it on the trello board – Is looping just an intended way to play the game in DK's view?


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