Phasmophobia Gameplay
Phasmophobia Description:
Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it’s up to you and your team to use all the ghost hunting equipment at your disposal in order to gather as much evidence as you can.
The players:
GameEdged –
DreadPirate_Duo –
Lost Soul –
So interesting to see it from different perspectives! Still scary as Hades though! 👻
Hi Ohno! After the MANY hours of watching GE, here I am watching your version of the crimes against hmanity. Oh the horror… the horror.
Scoot over Ohno, time to go to the looney toons clinic in the short bus! 🐈
You guys were so much fun to watch !!! I am looking forward to this weekends streams 🙂 <3
Ohno… I never thought you might play this game.. but I have to admit………. U were the TNT… Bro.. u killed it.. loved the way you challenging the ghost like that… O boy… Totally enjoyed it..
Nice game to play with your friends I bet. Like how those voices sound through walkie talkie.
Thank you Ohno.
Did the ghost make them shrink lol
So if it’s smoky and the banshee would it still be East bound and down loaded up and trucking or would it be the song from the opening of the move Gettysburg. Lll
In this game are the light sticks are still the most powerful weapon I’m the game
What is this Beetle juice or candy man
Thermometers Humm do you have a glass one with a red tip old medical joke the used to use blue and red ok lol ummm that one you might need
When you only use the in-game voice chats, this game is SO atmospheric.