I actually attempted some movement in this one and I’m very happy with it
anyways I saw this happen live last thursday and was struck with the thought that I needed to make something for it because I was. simply in tears from laughing so hard. just like what happened when I made “the one thing” lmao
audio was taken from these clips from tango and impulse’s twitch channels:
#hermitcraft #phasmophobia
I LOVE how you draw them! Their designs are amazing!
This is so awesome!!
Very Nice 🤍🤍🤍
Omg I LOVE this 🤣🤣🤣🤣
YOUR STYLE IS SOOOO COOL!!!! i really love ur tango🥺🥺
I'm giggling quietly on the bus rn this is awesome
I love how Impulse's pupils are little lowercase Is! Also Tango's eyes are awesome too!
I love the designs for them! And the way Tango flailed when the ghost popped up!
This is so amazing!! I love the way you draw tango!!
I always like to see how people draw tango and impulse they don't usually get a lot of animations though so this is really nice!!
Tango Tek is a Gift that keeps on giving
THAT IS AMAZING HAHAHAHAHA. I love your designs for them !
Tango, very confident and brave! At least- for the most part..
Every single frame of Tango is amazing
We need more Phasmophobia animations, this is fantastic!!
This is amazing! I was hoping someone would animate this. I love your style 😀
I love this XD he sounds like he's speaking simlish according to my sister