Masked Luchador here, today’s video is spooky and funny because we played PHASMOPHOBIA!
We are THE BEST GHOST HUNTERS IN PHASMOPHOBIA! This spirit infested game has been blowing up because it can be played on either desktop or VIRTUAL REALITY!
It’s obviously more realistic, scary and fun in VR ! But I highly recommend you try out Phasmophobia with your friends! This video shows how much fun you can have being scared.
PHASMOPHOBIA FUNNY MOMENTS wasn’t really what I was going for in this video but there are some funny clips sprinkled around! Enjoy watching our try hard PHASMOPHOBIA GAMEPLAY too!
Hunting GHOST / GHOSTS is scary and I would never do it in real life, but in a video game, for sure! GHOST HUNTING is fun with friends in HAUNTED virtual reality houses. If you would like to see us be HAUNTED some more, then drop a like!
Also, subscribe if you’re new and turn on your notifications! Leave a comment letting me know if you got scared watching the video and if you want to see more! 😀
#phasmophobia #ghost #haunted
Friends in the video:
@Vs Sanji
Social Media:
● BUSINESS EMAIL: [email protected]
“The Best Ghost Hunters in Phasmophobia!”
You read far enough, now get the phuck out of here! 😀
I saw the thumbnail and instantly said “Melanie Martinez?” (Girl on the right)
I saw your short stream on twitch and i was waiting for the video to be posted.
this would have been fun to watch live 😂😂
Lcha wich is better pizza or hot wings with sauce
Hi luch
Cool and creepy vid
I came from your twitch stream
This game always scared the shit out of me
Came from ur stream-littleboitimm
I was chosenkai_
Dang yall going ghost hunting yall stay safe
oh nahhh,, this gave me shivers
arrows voice changer lmaoo
If you like Naruto games or Boruto games I recommend Boruto X Naruto or ultimate ninja blazing
nice video lucha
damn that southern girl kinda cute
I love this game. I’m so glad you’re playing it
Hi, gonna watch the video now.❤
I see u and sam got a thing bro. Nice
I enjoyed watching the video
Damn poor arrow
Sorry I was playing around with the dislike bottom
I l love your vids so much
I got a suggesting for a video how about kirishima acts like bakugou and bakugou acts like kirishima just asking also I love your videos ☺️
Lucha I’m loving the video lol
Why didnt you grab its bulge lmao