This is one of my favorite Phasmophobia public lobby games! However it ends in an absolute disaster… The ghost did something super smart that caught me completely off guard. I hope you enjoy this awesome game! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
I stream every day live at 7PM CEST, 1PM EST, 10AM PST over on
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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch 0.28.6
I’m going to loop the ghost on the new patch
Me: confused
You died as a hero!
Maybe a stupid question, but are you going to play RE:Village?
Do more speedruns on the map asylum
That was amazing lol.
How would you feel about having 2 ghosts in one map?
The outplay:(
Hello x24
u: 200 iq
spirit: 1,000,000 iq
Insym might not care but: I'm having a tough time right now fighting against depression and your videos/streams make me feel better. I just wanted to say thank you for creating content and being such a nice guy <3
You got Dead By Daylight'd.
Wait, I thought if the ghost saw you go into a locker you were fine as long as you are quiet…..
I shouldn't even be up right now and my man is uploading. Time zone or not what a legend.
Ghost was like "gotim ha!
Hi insym Hope your having a good day and keep inspiring and motovating people everyday ❤💙💚💛💜🖤♥️💗💟💖💎🙂😇😀💪
I can't wait to get home today, tune into the stream, get comfy and watch this Video after. 😀
Edit: Okay. I can fit it in before the stream. Let's gooooo!
I miss the patches of the game where the flashlight wasn’t always centered on your screen, because you could have the UV light (which always did that) in your hand for the center of your vision while your main flashlight gave you vision of whatever was at the corner of your vision when you turned your head, effectively lighting up the room like a comet’s tail.
Insym really said I know that smell! It’s the oujia board in the boys room! Board: HOW TF DID YOU FIND ME
“Where were you on the night on the 16th of November?” that caught me off guard cause that’s my birthday lmao
I always wanna watch streams live but have work. So thanks for taking the time to upload here 🙂
That's my b'day hehehe 😂
I think the reason for the double backs was because of the smudge stick unless there was a secret ai Change.
Ghost did a big brain play.
L/D ratio currently: 99.66159052454%
Big brain ghosts in new patch?
Do you know the safe spot in the Cabin ? Idk what this map's name is but i know there one
Insym I discovered you on a whim and I'm actually so hooked on your content. Big <3
I've been wondering for awhile now. I dont know how im supposed to pronounce your name. Can anyone help with that?
At this moment 373 likes and 0 dislikes, THAT'S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE
Ghost probably saw that thumbnail you made of him with a baby hat on and pacifier lol # sorrynotsorryRobert
That ghost literally broke your ankles
love your vids
Insym I want to see more Big Brain challenge of You, I loved it 🙁
He said if you like the video like it if you dislike the video dislike it 2 people did not like this
He really smelled th bored lmaooo
it's not everyday you get out played by the ghost, you did say you were going to die this time around. It's always fun watching you play while having fun.
Best lobby until I die, why do I feel someone trolled you with what you did (not intentionally) to others?
These videos are so much better when I know you're gonna croak =D. Wait for it…..