The BEST Settings for the Doom Slayed Achievement in Phasmophobia

In this video you’ll learn about the best settings for the elusive Doom Slayed achievement in Phasmophobia. Getting a Demon is 1/24 (roughly 4.2 %), but once you do get a Demon, it should be more than happy to murder your face.

Game: Phasmophobia

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00:00 Intro
00:09 Settings
02:02 Details
03:29 What to do

#BigMeik #DoomSlayed #Achievements


50 thoughts on “The BEST Settings for the Doom Slayed Achievement in Phasmophobia”

  1. You can also start with 100% sanity, find the ghost room with a glance of the haunted mirror and check for ghost orb and spirit box while waiting. This can save you tons of time and avoid waiting unknowingly with a ghost that's definitely not a Demon.

  2. I'm currently level 29… got the Doom Slayed achievement by complete dumb luck on Edgefield. One of my first professional runs ever. Very cool to see the mechanics behind it though. Best of luck to everybody else going for this!

  3. I actually did this last night I did 100 sanity and haunted mirror on camp woodwind litteraly took a few attempts and had it done looked in the mirror for a second and stood in the ghost room I like this method though

  4. I recommend bringing in some evidence items with you. I recommend Spirit Box, EMF, and a Video Camera. If you get any of these evidences during that short time period, just leave. (I get EMF5, and Ghost Orbs constantly and it's making me mad)
    I also recommend the Unofficial Phasmophobia Cheat Sheet. The smudge timer on it can help you keep track of time.
    btw I don't know what they were thinking when designing this achievement. This isn't skill. This is something you have to do by playing badly, and you have to be very lucky on top of that. Absolute bullshit.

  5. Something that I also did was instead of just standing there, take and hold a camera, and check for Ghost Orbs.
    Demon doesn't give Ghost Orbs as evidence, so if you see a Ghost Orb, reset immediately, it's not a Demon, and save a little time.

  6. the hunt itself just has to happen within the minute. if the hunt is 20 seconds long and starts 59 seconds after opening the front door, you still get the achievement if you die at the end of the hunt, even if you die 1:27 seconds into the game. the wording is "die to a Demon using its ability within a minute of the investigation" if it were "*die within a minute of the investigation* to a Demon using its ability" then yes it'd need to be within the minute

  7. Either my luck is bad or the game is broken but out of the last seven games, I’ve gotten shade four times, onryo twice, and lastly mimic. Those are the ones that attacked anyways. Had another four that were absolutely zero activity so I had to reset.

  8. Just used this tech' for the last hour…

    Finally gotta Demon but didn't hunt at all and only found out due to me using the Monkey Paw again to start a cursed hunt to die quicker and repeat… Not as guarenteed as the video makes out!

  9. I can't figure out why everyone needs to go fishing for this achievement. That's a lot of hoops to jump through just to get instantly killed by a demon. I've died in the first minute to a demon no less than 5 times by just playing custom professional with 75% starting sanity, lights start on, and no sprint. That's it. Play Willow and Tanglewood a bunch and it WILL happen. Those settings also pay a 5x multiplier so you can make some money and XP while waiting for your inevitable doom.

  10. Prior to the achievements being implemented, I definitely had been doomslayed before. Now, I'm lucky to see a demon. Last night I actually got one that used it's ability… at 90sec in. UGH. So I'm going to give this method a try and hope for the best. This is such an awful achievement though, it's pure RNG and that's just not cool.

  11. Thanks so much for the video Meik. It took me 2 hours but I got it.

    Just a note for those doing this for the Completionist ID card. If it doesn't show up after completing all your achievements, create a multiplayer lobby (you can be alone in it) and play one game. It should show up after that.


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