The BEST TRICK in Phasmophobia – [LVL 4854]

This Phasmophobia trick is AMAZING! You can use a smudge stick ANYWHERE on the map and it will protect EVERYONE! It’s AWESOME. I love this trick so much, it’s not really exploitable and will lead to really cool situations where you can be a hero and save your friends. I really hope they leave it in the game because it’s such a fun trick to use. In this video I show you exactly how it works! I hope you enjoy. Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.29.6


43 thoughts on “The BEST TRICK in Phasmophobia – [LVL 4854]”

  1. I think what you meant to say was "So if you're a truck dweller, you can actually be a living functioning human being that can actually help complete the game, instead of just playing truck simulator and being no help to the team…"

  2. Fake gamers use a smudge stick as a means to get them out of a tight spot before getting into a closet or a hiding spot.

    Chad gamers burn through all four smudge sticks in one hunt to bully the ghost.

  3. When I'm by myself and I have to do the repel trick, since I can't do it while its after me (I always die) I put a smudge stick with a lighter in my favorite locker or closet and when it hunts, as soon as it opens the door of the closet, I light it.
    90% success rate so far

  4. It would be interesting, if the creator would add a new gamemode: HARDCORE! My ideas: 2 ghosts (different) or double hunt chance of a ghost or being slower or less hiding spots or it's gonna be a rev more times or if you would miss the bone and leaved, you get -50% of that what you get at the end. Or maybe a ghost, which is combined like 3 times: Revantukai. What are your ideas? Reply.


    Everything i just said. Combined. called nightmare Mode

  5. My group has been doing this method for quite a while now 😀 Typically I'm in the truck when repel is the last objective and whoever is getting hunted will call out Smudge (we use discord to talk instead of in game chat) when they get the heartbeats.

  6. Imagine a sensor like smudge stick that can be activated from anywhere with a button, it would basicly do the same thing as this bug but would be an actual feature of the game

  7. Was fun, although both ghosts were mean KEKW would be cool if they added more items similar to Smudge stick which would affect the ghost during a hunt :p

  8. Truck dweller?! How dare you, sir? I ain't no coward. I am leading an operation! I'm monitoring everyone, giving instructions from inside my command center. My completely safe, ghost-free, cozy, not-at-all scary command center with a mug of hot chocolate. The nerve of some people…


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