This Phasmophobia trick is AMAZING! You can use a smudge stick ANYWHERE on the map and it will protect EVERYONE! It’s AWESOME. I love this trick so much, it’s not really exploitable and will lead to really cool situations where you can be a hero and save your friends. I really hope they leave it in the game because it’s such a fun trick to use. In this video I show you exactly how it works! I hope you enjoy. Much love and see you during the streams 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.29.6
I think what you meant to say was "So if you're a truck dweller, you can actually be a living functioning human being that can actually help complete the game, instead of just playing truck simulator and being no help to the team…"
Yeaah let’s set fire in those places 😂😂
You should try out some of Puppet Combo's games like Night Watch, I'd think you'd enjoy them.
I feel like it would be really cool if there was a ghost that always knows your location, but moves slower
I have always been doing this but anyways thanks.
Fake gamers use a smudge stick as a means to get them out of a tight spot before getting into a closet or a hiding spot.
Chad gamers burn through all four smudge sticks in one hunt to bully the ghost.
How do you even come up with these bugs?? Just Randomly???
I think theres a portaljk
Who else was bored looking for videos to watch and then this popped up?
Insym: "can you go in there and potentially die to-"
"Sure :D"
Insym: surprised Pikachu face
As someone who knows morse code is the flashlight blinking supposed to be a SOS signal? (… — …)
these lobby players are like " i sacrifice my self for the greater of good!" lmao
INSYM: Can you go in there and potentially DIE? Cause I'm really curious if it works in—
Other player: Sure in a lively tone
Girl— WHAT!?
I fell asleep while watching.
Why not use the headmounted cams for this? I feel like that would be easier to judge when to light the smudge.
When I'm by myself and I have to do the repel trick, since I can't do it while its after me (I always die) I put a smudge stick with a lighter in my favorite locker or closet and when it hunts, as soon as it opens the door of the closet, I light it.
90% success rate so far
when youre afraid to enter the house but still want to help:
Can you play granny chapter 2 next video? 😀
I wish this game has a way to play in the truck for friends that are too scared to face the ghosts
Insym's sheer enthusiasm makes him one of the best and funniest streamers/youtubers around. Much love from Maia in Sweden
It would be interesting, if the creator would add a new gamemode: HARDCORE! My ideas: 2 ghosts (different) or double hunt chance of a ghost or being slower or less hiding spots or it's gonna be a rev more times or if you would miss the bone and leaved, you get -50% of that what you get at the end. Or maybe a ghost, which is combined like 3 times: Revantukai. What are your ideas? Reply.
Everything i just said. Combined. called nightmare Mode
Insym, if I talk but my mic isn't on on Phasmo can the ghost hear me or not?
My group has been doing this method for quite a while now 😀 Typically I'm in the truck when repel is the last objective and whoever is getting hunted will call out Smudge (we use discord to talk instead of in game chat) when they get the heartbeats.
Imagine a sensor like smudge stick that can be activated from anywhere with a button, it would basicly do the same thing as this bug but would be an actual feature of the game
Was fun, although both ghosts were mean KEKW would be cool if they added more items similar to Smudge stick which would affect the ghost during a hunt :p
Awesome find man 😀
Does the breaker turn off if you turn on to many lights
You're the best youtuber, continue doing it, you should have a million subscriber.
First time i say those words on youtube, you deserve it
, have a nice day man!
She sounds like google nest ad.
+20 silent takedown.
+10 accidental kill.
i think the smudge effect is within the camera radius?
Oh this is absolutely gonna get patched in a day flat. xD
I miss the 15 second smudges. ; ;
Kinda funny that "Hantu" means ghost, this is how to pronounce it "hun-too".😂😂😂
Truck dweller?! How dare you, sir? I ain't no coward. I am leading an operation! I'm monitoring everyone, giving instructions from inside my command center. My completely safe, ghost-free, cozy, not-at-all scary command center with a mug of hot chocolate. The nerve of some people…
Yo r u down to play some in silence? Its a fun horror game kinda like devour.
if someone wanted to test this on me id do my best Reggie Couz impression "Oh Hell Nah"
we actually did this in the solo run by @Jowa Plays
Literal suicide squad xD
My favorite multiplayer strat is to call one of my friends on the phone while the ghost hunts so the ghost hears their phone ringing and attack them