Hallway ghosts in Phasmophobia can be very tricky. In this video I am going to show you exactly how to handle hallway ghosts so you can still get all the objectives done.
Tested on BETA 6148509, Server V0.25.9.3, Professional
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Do you have troubles with hallway ghosts? Have you ever gotten one?
What is that absolute banger of a background track you're using in your videos? Much love, keep up the great videos!
I never thought much on footsteps when playing. I could never tell if they were ghost footsteps or player footsteps. How do you tell the difference?
You know, something that is happening to me a lot is this…
We all know that the ghost has its favorite room, and of course some rooms around that means where it wanders, right?
Okay, but now, for a weird reason, the ghost can also spawn (manifest) near you in almost anywhere (it happened 3 times in a row, in different maps, it left me confused! Mostly because that's new and there are no patch notes related to this info.) so I'm not sure if ghost room is enough to say that today, it's the only place where ghost can manifest themselves or start their hunts (playing with a friend, a demon started its hunt in the second floor of one of the houses, and its room was in the kitchen, in the first floor)
So yeah, we are a bit twisted with these changes.
Me and a friend just had a weird ghost room… we both had obvious freezing temperatures in a certain room, but there was never any activity, so I explored the area for a while and I suddenly notice the freezing temperature was gone. I kept looking, hunting started, didn't even hear the ghosts footsteps or heartbeat nearby.
Eventually I died on the complete opposite side of the Asylum. Didn't know that "ghost rooms" could change, or freezing temps could move?
(It turned out to be… a friggin' YUREI!)
6:11 I genuinely jumped.
The one dislike was the revenant
How to find hallway ghost:
1. Find Ouiji Board.
2. Ask it where it is.
3. ????
4. Profit!
is it true that if you grab and throws the voodoo dolls many times will lower your sanity?
great info. btw. thanks
Great info!
I was literally in this exact same situation yesterday. Hallway ghost, on the left side of asylum. But instead of in the changing rooms, it hung around the restrooms the most. It took ages but we finally got all evidence. Of course it was a shade.
Strangely enough, even though it was cold in the hallway and really warm in the restrooms, we only got ghost orbs when a camera was put in the restrooms.
I liked when u said u did this for 8 hours. U have dedication my g
I appreciate this guide. My wife and friends know me as the grumbling guy who always says "I hate hallway ghosts" almost the second I take a step into ridgeview.
i swear every game ive played since the last update/patch has been a hallway ghost .-.
I love hallway ghost.. more challenge
Ahh, Hallway Asylum Ghost… I remember Solo-ing Asylum when I got a Basement Hallway Banshee… It hangs out on the West Wing but it lowers the temps all the way to the East Wing… Was a nightmare that took me an hour to finish all objective…
Thank you as always for the amazing vids Psycho!
Dude my level 69 run at ridgeview I was doing solo professional for first time and I was checking the temps as usual and the split second I found 2°C it started hunting and after literally 40 seconds I died(I recorded it that's how I found the time out) and it was a banshee I am never playing solo professional again
6:08 … I would need a new underwear in vr…
Me, who doesn't play this game and therefore has no need of this knowledge: oh HELL yeah how to deal with HALLWAY GHOSTS
more seriously, love your videos, keep up the good work!
Am I the only one who took three months to realize that if you put the same key for both walk and run, then you'll never have to press two different keys to run? (I have W for both)
I feel silly now, but my character never walks anymore, always run. Brilliant
Man, some of these behaviors are starting to grind my gears. New ghost powers are rad, but who likes ending a game feeling cheated?
It's bananas that the ghost room can be normal temp! Thanks for spending so much time looking into this. You prevented a lot of rage!
6:09 wow fast boi
But according to the wiki, the spirit box works if one of these is true:
•you are within 3m of the ghost
•you are in the ghost room
So shouldn't the spirit box activate all the way across the hallway? If so, the strategy would be to walk into the rooms connected to the hallway and ask questions
0 dislikes POG
I once had a shade that didn’t hunt when me and my friend were in the same room but it took out the crucifixes and I was confused. Does anyone know why the crucifixes were destroyed but no hunt started even tho no one was in it’s room?
Hey Psycho. Love the content, and excellent work on testing all the hypotheses that come up. There's one i was hoping you could work out for me if you have time in your busy schedule.
I was explaining to people on the steam forums my understanding of the banshee's target selection (its ability to hunt at any sanity was not in question). So according to the old code on Github there are several ways for the banshee to choose a new target, but 2 guys claim to have tested for an hour and even though their sanity was low enough to be hunted the banshee's target stayed in the van and the banshee never started a hunt with the other guy in the house. That means it never switched target and never started a normal hunt while its target was outside. Apparently after an hour the guy who was the target entered the building and the banshee immediately initiated a regular hunt. Seems wrong to me. I would have thought even if it didn't choose a new target it could still pass a hunt check and initiate a hunt, but would wander around ignoring the other player trying to find its target. In fact i would expect it to choose a new target if its target is outside when it starts a regular hunt.
I would test this myslef, but i don't have anyone to help me test. I've got video of the banshee hunting at 90% sanity already, but i can't check this one all on my lonesome.
Thanks, and keep up the great work.
Thank you very much for the tips. I didn't know the smudge increases the activity level and that "encouraging" the ghost to do stuff is needed for the EMF reader.
Had one the other day on Asylum whose favorite room seemed to be the whole downstairs hallway. Blasted thing always spawned in the hallway, and ANYWHERE in that hallway. It was spawning at both ends. Thinking it had a favorite room ended up screwing me and costing like 15 minutes of looking for something that apparently didn't exist. Only ever got evidence in the hallway. Blasted spirit…
Lol thanks for the heart attack at 6:11
Are all of the safe spots still working? I know there’s been a lot of updates. My pansy ass wants to get the game but I want to know where to “successfully” hide during a hunt. I have no sense of direction so prison, high school, and asylum are going to be hell for me lol
Dang Revenant asylum
Can you possibly do a video on Prison ghosts? Cause sometimes it’s the entire cell block, and it’s hard to narrow it down.
6:11 It was at this moment that psycho knew, he f** up
What is this backgrand music ur using
You have made my husband 3rd deployment in 1 year, 2 cervical medial branch blocks (steroid injections into my spine), so far 1 out of 2 ablutions (burning of my sensory and motor nerves in my neck), and major depressive disorder tolerable since discovering your channel. I look forward to your uploads and you make difficult times not so painful. Thank you for all you do and keep up the amazing work
He: Reloads Asylum for 8h to get Hallway Ghost
Me: a noob back in November plays Asylum for the first time… Hallway ghost that was entire Bottom Hallway
how bout smudging the revenant as it approaches you? what will happen?