The Big Brain Challenge – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we bring back a very old challenge: The Big Brain Challenge. In this challenge we start the game with NO items at all. I can pick one evidence item at any time but if the ghost does not have that evidence I cannot get any more evidence items. I have to be very careful in what I choose to be able to find the ghost! I hope you enjoy!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.1


44 thoughts on “The Big Brain Challenge – Phasmophobia”

  1. You should explain chat about the oni and airball thing, because they think whenever they hear the "hiss" it's an airball event when every ghost can do that, but only oni's can't do the mistball event 😀 The "hiss" alone isn't enough to rule out oni

  2. Quest 2 mission failed. Went with “big gut” instead of “big brain.” My guess for the random emf 2 out of nowhere (ghost ability) would be the obake halving the timers on all finger prints.

  3. As a pilot, I can confirm that you can't get your pilot's license until you're 17. You can solo at 16 but are still a student pilot. Before 16 you can fly as a flight student but only with a certified flight instructor, and the student is not Pilot in Command (basically captain).

    Buying long guns is 18, handguns at 21 at the federal law level, although some states have laws increasing the minimum age.

    I did all of these things at the respective minimum age : )

  4. To answer the question of why we Americans can’t smoke or drink but can own a gun at the age of 18: we’re too stupid to handle the responsibility of drinking and smoking but we tend to wise up real quick when handling firearms! The age of smoking used to be 18 but too many high schoolers kept vaping in classrooms and bathrooms and so we had to make it more difficult for them to get a hold of it!

  5. What really doesn’t make sense is the fact that cars kill an exponentially larger number of people than guns in America but we allow kids to drive and nobody is having a hissy fit about harsher regulations on driving. I feel safer holding a gun than I do in the drivers seat of a car in any type of city or suburb. I’ve never been hit by a gun where the person was drunk but I can’t say the same thing about cars.

  6. The drinking age in America used to be mostly 21+ until the 26th amendment was passed in 1971. The amendment gave US citizens the right to vote at age 18. And many states agreed that if an 18 year old could be drafted in the Vietnam War and could vote, then the drinking age could be lowered to 18. The nationwide change to make the drinking age 21 for the US was strongly propelled by campaigns to lower drunk driving fatalities during Ronald Reagan's presidency in the 1980s. Although a state decision to raise the drinking, Ronald Reagan withheld 5% of interstate highway funds from states who did not meet the 21 year old minimum.

  7. Your community is so addicted to gambling its hilarious, thank goodness its not real money 😂 The Big Brain challenge was super fun! Looking forward to more older challenges making a come back

  8. i'm just gonna throw this out there. IF the devs want to change the obake to make it more suitable for no evidence runs and for nightmare, i'm thinking that they could add like scratching sounds for one of their special interactions, or maybe scratch marks on doors or walls that can only be seen through the UV, OR maybe when the obake is hunting you can hear it scratching the walls while it roams. I think any of these would be really cool to see.


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