The Biggest Plot Twist in Challenge Wheel History – Phasmophobia Random Challenge Wheel

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! It is once again time for the Phasmophobia Random Challenge Wheel! And in this video we see two different sides: first everything seems super easy and fun until the challenge wheel made everything impossible suddenly. I really hope you enjoy!

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42 thoughts on “The Biggest Plot Twist in Challenge Wheel History – Phasmophobia Random Challenge Wheel”

  1. I'm a fan of the "Clear everything on the wheel to win" idea for the 10,000 challenge, sticking to simply adding an extra challenge regardless of win or loss but only through winning do you get to change one out (and changing means two challenges cleared off the board instead of one).
    Though, it might be more appropriate to put all sorts of callbacks to past phasmophobia videos on the wheel instead, where instead you just have a bunch of preset challenge runs that are based off of past videos (Teddy bear challenge? for the bear council video) and you just have to clear all of them.
    Final challenge is to kill CJ.

  2. Im so happy: today is my 23rd birthday and although I never did anything big, we had the best dinner in ages. We had my uncle's homemade smoked bbq brisket, grilled burgers and hotdogs, a spicy potato dish with onions and peppers, and the gooiest brownies stuffed with chocolate chips. Also got some new headphones and my Wii with motionplus controllers is in the mail along with a bunch of older games for it and my Ps2.

    That got me thinking. What would the ghosts want for their birthdays if they could have anything? Here's a little fanstory lore.

    Spirit: He is easily pleased with nearly anything you bring him. The only thing you shouldn't get him is anything that you smoke: he kicked the habit.
    Wraith: Flying through the sky he can see some beautiful sights though he says he wishes he can share that with others. Get him a GoPro.
    Poltergeist: A collector of unique silverware, he would be so giddy if you bring him new and exotic knives or plates. Just be careful if he loses one.
    Phantom: Delving into terrifying subjects gives him curiosity. Getting him cursed objects and masks will brighten his day. Don't linger though.
    Banshee: Hearing her sing is one thing. Letting her listen to music while singing is another. She would do anything for vinyl records and such.
    Jinn: Although he cares not for material goods, he will never shy away from precious jewels and trinkets that have the power to ward off evil.

    Mare: You never see him out of his personal library in his dark house, so it makes the most sense to get him a lot of books. He loves suspense.
    Revenant: Our local tired speed king is a green thumbed master of growing vegetables in his garden. New seeds, tools, and fertilizer make his day.
    Shade: Not much is known about what he wants since he's quiet. Rumored he simply wants to go on a sweet date with his girlfriend Yokai in a park.
    Demon: The beautiful and fiery Demon though stern and often sharp is a sucker for dark chocolate and vintage red wines. They calm her down a ton.
    Yurei: A hooligan by nature loves showing off to his friends, he adores leather, chains, and any amount of money. "I've gotta keep my status up."
    Oni: Our lovable gigantic musclebound girlfriend of Yurei begs him to get exercising equipment as well as huge teddys. Make her dream come true.

    Yokai: Shade's headache prone girlfriend wants nothing more but to rest her head. However, if you get her new curtains and bed stuff, she will smile.
    Hantu: Exhausted by the summer heat, he craves snowcones but rarely gets a chance to get one. Give him a snowcone maker and he will go wild.
    Myling: Since he constantly talks about it, it is known he would cry if he got a chance to go to a concert for his favorite bands. Will you take him?
    Goryo: The gamer of the ghosts, he'll do anything to get his hands on a new RTX card or any tech stuff. If you get him some, he won't leave his room.
    Onryo: The cousin of Mare is a fantasy enjoyer as well, only instead of books he prefers movies. Get him a private theatre and he will gush.
    Raiju: Unusually, he does not want a physical gift. Instead, he wishes to visit Singapore to see the lightning storms. He would gaze for hours.

    Twins: The brother wants collectible action figures while the sister wants makeup sets. They are young and typical. Oh, don't forget ice-cream cake.
    Obake: The kleptomaniac turned investigator uses his traits for good. Only issue is he has a hard time getting quirks right. Get him training courses.
    Mimic: Obake's partner in investigating is a big gun advocate and hunter in his off time. Get him a new set of weapons and he will bring you a big elk.
    Moroi: The rich leader of a gang of loyal hooligans including Yurei has everything he wants. Nearly. Get him a puppy and he will keep you around.
    Deogen: The little daughter of Banshee and Hantu is a simple one: she wants basically every doll. Good thing Ebay and Amazon are a thing right?
    Thaye: The elder flame of Moroi is the sweetest thing in the world. She cares so much for others that she refuses gifts. Your smile is all she needs.

    I'm another year older. Damn. What will I do with the rest of my life? That question is one we all ponder. It's the journey that matters through Life. Every minute, every hour, every day is special. Even a bad day is better than no day. It will add spice to your life. Have a good night (9:46 pm EST) everyone. Or day. Or morning or evening, dusk or dawn.

  3. I like the new ruleset. If you have a limited number of games as part of the challenge run, then the negative feedback loop caused by losses really incentivizes not losing games. On the flip side, if you do well and don't mess up, then you can maintain a degree of momentum across runs. But one or two bad-luck runs can put you in danger of failing. It's a nice balance!

  4. Love this series, regardless of any adjustments you make. The stacking challenges are fantastic.
    Also the "I just stood there and lived" or whatever it was you said describes me more often than it should lmao

  5. I just thought about two more challenges you might add to your wheel 😀
    1. Remove 1 inventory slot (which can be rolled multiple times until you only have 1 slot left)
    2. (multiplayer only) you can only hear the sound of your teammate
    The first one would make it pretty hard and annoying so I dont know whether its worth to add, but if you do a challenge wheel in multiplayer again (with cj and/or psycho), I think it would be quite fun (and confusing) to only hear the sound of your teammate 😀
    I already tried the second one with a friend and it was a lot of fun 🙂

  6. 57:48 I actually think this escape even tops Insym's crazy escape on Bleasdale when the ghost walked in the same room and Insym ran past it. The Bleasdale escape was in the workshop area with the lockers.


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