Welcome to the NEW UPDATE for phasmophobia! This is the biggest update in phasmo history and the patch notes honestly don’t do it justice. I can’t wait to try out all the new items tomorrow and I’ll be live ALL DAY! Hope to see you there! ENJOY!
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Are you ready for tomorrow?
In our group, we have a deal that you can signal you are in distress during a hunt by spamming the radio button, and someone else would (most likely) light their smudge. Saved our asses like a hundred times. Unfortunately with the changes to the "global" range that won't work in the future. 🙁
Everything goes back to square one. We watch Insym go from amatuer ghost hunter to professional, climbing the levels once more.
And, as everything comes down to this reset, knowing everything is back to square one, he opens with 'Hi YouTube and welcome to Phasmophobia.' No "back" in sight as though he's introducing us another brand new horror game. . .
Finally performance improvements to the game itself via Unity and forward+ updates!
It would be cool if the Raiju had a higher rate of knocking over cameras and stuff! So keen for this big update it's been a while since I've played with friends so cant wait to get back on and sus it all out! Awesome content as always Insym!
Let’s goo, I just got lvl 500. Right before the update
That sucks that you have to carry a thermo to detect freezing and no freaking increase in the number of items you can carry.
and the consumable thing is going to be a huge asspain if they don't fix the shop function. They really need to do away with that in-between state where you purchase something for inventory but then you have to add it to the truck. Just put everything you buy for a specific loadout in the damned truck! The Dark Mod has the perfect loadout screen to start from; just copy those guys. They nailed it years ago.
Am I getting up at 3am for the update yes. Should I? Probably not. Sleep is important. Do I have anything better to do right now? Lol nope. So excited! I'm gonna die so much lmao.
is it gonna drop for console tmr
Imma just be honest. I miss the og game more than anything. Just ghost hunting in creepy places, and having fun with friends. I hate how every game now a days have to have MLG PROGRESSION COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT. Its just bland as hell. Have a good concept, follow that concept. And make a banger game out of it. Why not instead of wasting dev time for dumb progression systems, and actually spend that time improving horror, ai, maps, performance, QoL, and adding some fun to the game in the way of environmental objects you can mess with like candles, dolls, or just random every house items.
Phasmo, a ghost hunting game, did not deserve to be treated like some competitive game. But instead it did and drawn in the same player base that cries about progression at every turn like the cod community rushing over to squad over the years.
I miss the old phasmo days. Looked forward to all the improvements to the scary aspect to the game, more maps, etc. As of late me and friends dont have any want to play the game cause of the direction it went. Most of the og fanbase dont even care about the game anymore. It is sad.
the crouching joycon drift is finally fixed OMFG
I think it'd be awesome if there was a very low chance – like 3%, that you are called to the house to investigate what ghost it is and evidence mounts up that it's like rats or a racoon and when you finally find them, they run outside the house. Job well done
I don't agree with the D.O.T.S. Ghost photo being equivalent to a normal ghost photo. A while ago, they said they didn't want the player to be hoping for a certain evidence in order to get a certain benefit, and for that reason they downgraded fingerprints photos into being worth the same as a regular interaction. If they don't want the player to hope for a certain evidence, then that's not a step in the right direction, at least in my opinion.
I think it would be nice to be able to take "evidence photos" that are slightly more valuable than interaction photos (like fingerprints used to be back then, or like dirty water and used crucifix currently are). For example, taking a D.O.T.S ghost photo, a ghost orb photo (maybe tier 3 photo camera could have night vision, I dunno), ghost writing photo and the aforementioned fingerprints photo could be a more valuable photo than interactions and footsteps.
I locked my level to 1010 I think this will look great on my badge!
What is the Date for EU?
As someone who is new at the game and just started to get use to the game mechanics, this has come at a bad time. But glad the game is evolving
Is this update the same as console release or its just pc?
Sooo it comes out at the end of the month for consoles?
Deaf leading the blind challenge, one player can't hear the other can't see, the deaf player has to lead the blind player though the game but can'y hear anything including what the other player is saying.
don't forget to post it here too in youtube
I wonder if some ghosts will have any unique quirks with some of the new mechanics to help with no evidence runs. All we've been told is how Banshee reacts with the new DOTS.
I'm so hype for my prestigious level 1 badge!! Let's goooo!!
I just cant with the firelights 😂 Theres gotta be a better name for that somewhere
Is it coming to console in this update?
when does it come to ps5?
You know why phasmo is a good game? Because it is atleast not a pay to win game like other games.. ❤❤
Can’t wait for the console release because I’ve got a lot of buddies ready to play
wont it mean that now nobody will want to put in smudge stick in public lobbies incase one of the random start griefing and wasting them?
im worried that the candles, lighters and smudges being consumeable opens up people to easy griefing in public lobbys. It would be so easy to load in to a lobby and just light all the candles, smudges and use all the lighters and force whoever added them to waste tons of money.
So the summoning circle will waste a lighter now. 😅
The Thaye bug was so ridiculous, one of the reasons why sometimes reading through, at first glance, boring bugfixes can be actually surprising and entertaining.
5:52 “I shouldn’t go all over this too much”
Makes a 32 minute long video
Love you Insym never change ❤
is the money reset?
I mean, got it two days early in the discord, but streamers and CCers don't believe in those lol
i stoped playing phasmo because it was just doing the same thing over and over now this update i might go back to phasmo
I really hope the tier 1 thermo is a one of those red mercury based thermometers that nobody uses anymore
Does this mean the Xbox version droppin soon?
You can put items back on the wall in current version, but the item has to go back into it's exact original spot. Smudge stick 3 must go back into smudge stick 3 slot. Use the place item key to do this in the van. It works with everything in case taking it off the van wall uses it, hopefully putting it back on doesn't.
Insym: “It’s basic math guys!”
Also Insym, earlier in the video: “Mmm yes, +50% more must be double.”
Never change, Insym.
So I posted about this on Psychos message covering the notes as well. The bonus against the Moroi for smudge is easy to do because the maths line up well. If tier 1, 2, 3 is what I think it should be given the text at 50%, 100%, and 150% respectively how the game works now for the Demon and the Moroi is at the 100% level. Adding another 50% of the base for tier 3 items would take the timer to 15 seconds for tier 3 against the Moroi. The Demon math is kinda FUBAR though. The wiki and guides put the base distances as 3 meters and 5 meters for normal and Demon respectively. But 5 meters isn't the double of 3. So my more likely to be true guess is it isn't 3 meters as base for normal ghosts but 2.5 meters where the maths line up again. So the Demon distance for tier 3 crucifix will be either 6.5 meters if 3 is the base or 6.25 meters if 2.5 is the base.
What if smudge the ghost objective gives less money than an incense