This Bunny is CURSED! I am terrified of these dolls and mannequins now! I cannot believe I never noticed it before! This is INSANE! I love Phasmophobia so much! It is such a detailed and creepy game! I hope you enjoy me going insane in this video! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
I stream every day live at 19:00 CET, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST over on
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Question of the video: I was too scared by this run to add a question o_0
Our Community “Get to know each other” questions:
About the challenge wheel:
The link to the challenge wheel is too long to work in a youtube description, if you want the wheel you can join the discord and check the pinned messages in the #phasmophobia channel.
Merry Christmas everyone! Stream will be live like usual in about 1 hour. But please be with your family instead!!! However, if 2020 has prevented you from finding love tonight then we'll be there to have a comfy evening <3
Hey @Insym i play phasmo about a few month and one time a bunny appear in front of me so it’s not new
Question: Whats the point of moving objects like the bunny the mannequin etc? what do they indicate?
I think the dev did it again with this hidden new update. I am finding more moving props than before and it's freaking me out
I hope everyone is doing great in christmas. I won an headset 🙂
Merry Christmas. Much love from Australia. Don't let the bunnies haunt your dreams
At this point, Insym isn’t even scared of the ghosts, Just the teleporting stuffed animals and mannequins. He doesn’t have phasmophobia, just automatonophobia, the fear of mannequins.
Once I was playing and I turned around and the bunny was sitting right in front of me. It scared the heck outta me lmao
Yes the bunny is Evil than those ghost
Merry Christmas Insym
Markiplier is awesome
this shit is cursed. I wonder if it can move objects only from ghost's room or from other rooms too? Cus I feel like I saw only the first one. Anyway I hope one day we will see mannequin moves right into the van or near it. It would make me leave immediately.
Merry Christmas
I think the mannequin stuff is new but I have had bunny and teddy bears moving for weeks
hello nick123171 i now know about your presence. Thank you nick
maybe the dev inspired by your moving bunny when you died to scare new people
Insym will never trust Mannequin's or bunny's ever again.
5:48 – hahah I’m sorry!!
I still love the game though, you’re the only reason I have a Twitch account
Have a wonderful 2021 Insym!!
Insym: "Where are you?"
Ghost: "HERE!"
Insym: "No, not you! The bunny!"
I found you because Mark too 🙂 But it wasn't because of Welcome to the Game, I watch his Phasmo video, and I wanted to see more of this game, and, somehow, YT recommended me one of yours vids!!
Too much of phas videos for a day
found you thanks to my flash thought "what if there are other people who play phasma solo? i'm not alone right…" and here i am. i'm russian so my english is crooked
I just got phasmaphobia a few days ago and I learn new things about it every time I watch you😂 keep up the amazing videos man!
Whenever I play Phasmophobia I always, always take the bunny back into the truck. He’s my team mascot his name is Mr. Tibbles and he deserves more respect then this