This was definitely the creepiest ghost I have ever seen in Phasmophobia! There were way too many funny coincidences with this ghost. I dare you to find them all 😉 I hope you enjoy this video! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch
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Hey! i love that i seeing your video and then i gonna get into a Phasmophobia game and play like you and the first was happning was i was getting jumscares and can take it and then i take my power from my pc, and breathing heavy… Keep up the good work
Love the video!!
Insym being sassy for the first two minutes made my day. This whole video was chaos energy
1:9 chat: yes yes yes me: yes
y does he sound so much like pewdiepie bro
It's weird u mention it, I NEVER trust the doors moving with fingies because it's not guaranteed to get fingies the 1st time the 👻 touches it
dk=donkey kong so therefore nintendo made phasmophobia
I hate these unskippable ads on yt. Annoying as heck
Today I played with random people and one of them overused the oujila board and because of him the gost fucked us all, and the gost was a reveneant 🙁
A 69 year old girl in the girls room with a boner ,69ing with the crucifix and standing on the bed wtf men D:
As a wise man once said, "There are no coincidences".
Ghost: 69
Me: may god be on your side
Reading the chat, Riley looks uncomfortable on this run.
Lol totally a old pervo. 😂
This stream was amazing
Why are you not taking a shit
Today is my birthday🥳🥳
This ghost is literally Michael Jackson.
Stressym out? Insymed out? xD
"Your dead meat, Maya"
– Jimmy Hall, 2021
Imagine it was naked ghost as well. Sheesh
Insym: "That basically never happens" Me who's unlucky enough to get a 5 touch rev with no fingies: welp what did I expect of my luck?
69 years old guy in girls' room sitting on the toilet with the bone out. No surprise he got angry when you threw away the girls' shoes from the room.
Kind of reminds me of old pewdiepie and I love it.
How Insym do to fast add al items to the board, like he move the mouse too fast and put all items, anyone knows how to do that?
Don't shine the UV on the bed ;-;
Is it possible next stream you read out the challenge list. I know ethos isn’t the place to put this but I thought comments would be easier to see than twitch chat
wanted to sleep but nah
insym confirmed phasmophobia DEV
I had the exact same happen to me with the same door today, no fingies while it did interact.
Lol what a creepy ghost.
"do i look like DK to you" well we domt know, u might be DK helper, he makes bugs u find and report them for the yt cash, while he fixes them and makes new ones
Phasmophobia: has bugs
DKSym: working as intended >:}
when you turn off filter mature content in Phasmophobia
This do be one weird ass ghost.
Did he rail somebody?
Anyway, I'm sorry if I can't attend a lot of your streams (except some Saturdays) since I've got lots of work to do both in my office and my campus, but I'll always enjoy your videos here in YouTube. I hope when I got a better spec PC/Laptop, I can start playing Phasmo using my own steam account (not my brother's) and if possible, play together with you (that is…if I managed to get 5000 Twitch currencies XD)
GOD DAMN 3k ALREADY I remember when you were lvl 69
Smudging during the hunt is so terrifying. The best way I've consistently done it is actually running straight through them as soon as I light the stick. They usually keep going the way they were originally going so gives more time and space to cut corners and get away. Doing that on a revenant on edgefield scared the living jesus out of me but it worked.
I watched this perv while waiting for the hospital to call my daughter who got a boo boo on her right eye. Poor girl asleep
"I… Am gonna poopie… In the pants." Earned you a like. I lost my MIND.
Day #60! I start a new job tomorrow and I’m super nervous! I had my orientation today and it went pretty well, wish me luck! Hope you’re having a lovely day Insym!! ✨💕✨
The crucifix is just one big cookie for the ghosts now. The other day my mates and I went huntin and while holding the cross Michael just took 2 bites out of it
My friend and I encountered a glitch or something earlier today, we were on Tanglewood and the Ghost spawned out in the hall in front of the living room closet. I tried to snap a picture but for some reason it prioritized the Fingerprints on the closet door she just touched over her actual physical manifestation.
I was always under the assumption that Ghost priority for pictures was above Fingerprints. So if it's not intentionally made so that Fingerprints is priority over Ghost, then perhaps bug?