The CURRENT State of Candles in Phasmophobia [HIDDEN FEATURE]

All you need to know about the current state of candles in Phasmophobia and where they are broken right now.

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27 thoughts on “The CURRENT State of Candles in Phasmophobia [HIDDEN FEATURE]”

  1. I tried doing a "candles only" run in the bleasedale farmhouse and we were all amazed that when we put the candles down they were placed. It kind of put the ghost to shame when he hunted, we were too distracted by the candles working lmao

  2. Edgeville ghost tend to spawn in the upper hallway or in the kitchen so placing candles on the stairs ends up spreading light through the walls and brightening up the entire central house.
    Put 4 candles and it's so bright it's like the lights are on.

  3. There's a huge list of things that need fixing that just aren't getting fixed. I've loved the game but I've been losing interest for a while. Development is just too slow. They (he?) can't seem to be bothered to test things before patch releases either. Every indie game I like seems to be overshadowed by neglect. Oh well. btw I'm a game programmer and if you buckle down you get shit done. Lots of sales money must be a huge distraction from work I guess.

  4. Naturally there's bugs. At least these are in the beta and not in the "full release version" of the game,

    …and yes, I'm well aware that the whole game is technically an early release, thus technically a beta too. 🙂

    Tis a good thing to see that the dev is making incremental improvements to the game and making efforts to fix the bugs as they come up. Also a good thing we have people like Psychohypnotic testing the game in a scientific and methodical manner! 😁👍

  5. That’s not all. I was playing with another dude in rando lobbies and we got a professional Tanglewood ghost. I had grabbed a candle from the truck and lit it, and was trying to light the candles on the table between the kids’ bedrooms. The candles on that map are broken, do not pick them up, or you will have 1 less inventory slot for the rest of the game. The candles from the map can not be put down or dropped and instead warp back into your hand.

  6. hello again 🙂
    did you know if there is a time range for candles? can they burn out?
    we placed it in the ghostroom and wanted the gost to blow it out. then the candle didn't give light anymore, so we thought it worked. but the quest on the board did't disapear and we also didn't get money at the end of the game …… maybe it was just a bug, but we woundered a lot about this


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