Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we are playing a ton of Nightmare mode. We’re also doing ghost gambling but that went a little insane… I lost all my sanity. ENJOY!
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9.6
Anyone know some weird questions you can ask on the Ouija board? We've tried the pickles question but it seems like they fixed that one.
Insym when are we getting the next shadow of doubt video! I need more! But still enjoy ghost gambling
How many revenants have you encountered after their rework?? They're my favorite ghost
I have a love hate relationship with the vods…. if I watch them then I've seen the future videos but I can't stop myself
Ghosts may hate you but we all love you insym 💌
Personally I prefer the tier 2 dots over tier 3, the tier 3 is just way too noisy making it harder to pay attention to sounds, and even footsteps as well, plus no option to lock the dots lighting area to one place. I also had the problem with the tier 3 dots scanning and it would scan at the worst locations meaning the ghost would then just escape out of it's view making dots photos harder to take. Tier 2 is good enough for me, it's very sufficient.
When will you upload a new lobotomy corporation video?
I need it🥹🫠🥲
just a challenge suggestion, how about lethal company monster gambling? where chat bets if player gets killed by a bracken or butler etc… and/or bet if player survives until the 3rd day with quota reached… just a random thought I got on this video 😅
… also in addition to the challenge, there is only 1 entrance and 1 exit ( i forgot the name of the mod)
i have a challenge idea: try to beat the game by only looking at the ceiling
i think it would be interesting
poor believers 🙏
My fav ghosts is Myling, Poltergeist, Wraith, Shade and Banshee. Wish they could update the standard game so we can carry just as many items and usr BOTH hands like in VR. Zero excuses, I'll be waiting. And new maps besides Lighthouse? Well… Hotel aka the one guy with the half-bald smack head dude just with ghost. Castle where ghosts can haunt standing armors etc with several levels + prison. A gas station and hospital could do as well 🫶🤘 Take your time and enjoy devving the game devs. Would be mindblowing if my suggestions would be included😂 Steam workshop modding would be peak aswell👌
Insym against other ghost – 😃🗿
Insym against shade, spirit and mimic – 💀😭
I could have sworn it responds to the question "What is your favorite room?"
Throwing salt in the food: 😊🙌😍🫶
Throwing salt in the wound:
hey insym, can you play I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream? The 1995 game.
Pretty sure Insym is the GOAT of Phasmo
I got my friend; who hates horror games; to play phasmo with me. 4 days later and he is confidently doing 0 sanity, 0 evidence runs. Thank you Insym for preparing me to be able to teach my friend
Hello, everyone! This is the episode where I lost ALL my points. #KeepBelieving
there should absolutely be some twitch integration for ghost gambling
Insym mate i know yourself and the twitch chat loves the ghost gambling, and imma let you finish but as a youtube viewer almost exclusively (your on at 3am ish my time) how about some all maps runs? Or speedruns? Or chat = ears, or photo randomizer. Yeh cheers love ya work.
“Avatar the last believer”😂😂😂 man deserves an award 28:00
These ghosts truly gave you their E.M.F that day!
You know, their:
Lobotomy corp? 👉👈
I watched this. There was no love whatsoever.
do you guys know what headset he use? thank you!
I was playing some phasmophobia and I had a wraith. The wraith kept turning off the breaker and had broken the lights in the garage so I was pretty sure it was a mare then it turned out that it was emf 5 and also not in the garage. And was instead in the room next to it (btw I was playing in amateur so it couldn’t swap rooms). So I though it might have been twins and the other twin might have kept coming to the garage and making it a regular interaction also it had weird behavior so it also seemed like the twins and by that point my sanity had dropped to 50 and didn’t want to risk a hunt. I had taken off all the other items so if I died I wouldn’t lose anything just while I was messing around for fun. But I was worried about a hunt mostly just because I didn’t have a crucifix and I wasn’t ready for a hunt yet also I didn’t want to get the dying penalty and I was fairly sure it was the twins so I left and turned out to be a wraith. I am thinking since I was in the garage near the box a lot it might have been teleporting into the room because of it and interacting with it normally do you agree?
when more lethal company with the chaos crew???
They need to add parlay options. Ghost haunts upstairs, and voodoo doll is found.
I had a four second long hunt today four player sunny meadows restricted..
Front door closed and locked, electronics glitched, footsteps and ghost humming/singing. Is this a bug or can hunts be this short? Nobody died, and the ghost wasn't yurei it was oni (I thought for a bit maybe the yurei just closed the front door and had a ghost event I'm new and don't know wha things look like)
Is this 5 second hunt a bug?
can someone explain how 7 on the board is emf5? I never use the board