Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we are finally level 100 which means we can now PRESTIGE! But before we do any of that it’s time to play on ALL MAPS with the tier 3 items. The ghost felt very happy today and we had the most believer wins we’ve ever seen! ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9.6


34 thoughts on “THE DAY THE DOUBTERS DIED – Phasmophobia ALL MAPS with TIER 3”

  1. My preferred photo fix: give it its own tab of just photos, remove 10 photo limit, perfect investigation requires at least 15 3-star photos, require at least 1 ghost photo, first photo of a category (like salt) gives full credit/cash, extra photos of each category adds 10-20% of credit/cash.

  2. 43:00 I feel like them porting the game on console fucked them too hard on the update speed meter.
    The game barely changes I feel ; we played with friends at release..
    It's not the same game anymore of course, true. But most ghost events are the same, maps as well, etc..
    I feel like horror 2.0 cannot come any time too soon, the game is too stale at the moment

  3. along with the cosmetics update. they should also revamp the equipment loadouts to put it literally in the truck. you walk in it and press E to the item slots in the truck so you can choose the same item with different levels or just leave it empty.

    lobby dlc custom assets or accessories. other players could also place their own items in there.

    when outside of the house, it should always be a free run back and forth from the truck.

    add physics to everything 😂

  4. Hey man .. i just starting playing Phasmophobia like for 4 days .. I'm still has no idea what I'm doing.. i ended up dead in every game and people in lobby seem like didn't want to teach me or just trolling me how to play the game .. when i searching on YouTube it landed on your channel.. it interesting tho watching that you known exactly which type of ghost was it even without full evidence 😮 .. so maybe you can share has any tips for not being scared while playing the game 😃

  5. They should make it where multiple of the same type of photo gives less money, rather than getting rid of the option entirely. Maybe each duplicate photo you take gives 25% less value rounding down (10->7, 7->5, 5->3, etc) with a minimum value of $1. That way, you can still get duplicate photos, but too many duplicates causes the perfect game bonus to be negligible.

    They could also have the perfect game multiplier be based on photo diversity. Maybe there's a base perfect bonus of 10%, which could be increased up to 50% with a diversified photo collection. For instance, getting only uv and interaction photos would give 15% more money. Alternatively, if you have a ghost photo, dirty water photo, footprint photo, interaction photo, writing photo, cursed object photo, bone photo, fingerprint photo, and a crucifix photo, you'd get a 50% bonus for the diverse set of photos.

    If they did something like this, alongside adding a photo removal feature, it would vastly improve the photo-taking experience, and encourage players to look for opportunities to get better photos.

  6. You know, Phasmophobia makes me hopeful that we get an IP'd Phasmo style game. Like. Phasmophobia, but you hunt for iconic horror characters. It'd be incredibly easy to tell with some, while some are harder to notice.

    For instance, I had 3 in mind. Slender, Jason, and Freddy.

    Slender: All maps have random drawings on them, however with Slender they will appear differently and appear with a much higher frequency. When the pages have a picture taken of them. Slender becomes more aggressive and hunts more often.

    Jason: Jason can hunt at any point and he can follow you out to your truck if you're not careful. Hiding is your best strategy, but you'd best hope he doesn't catch wind of you.

    Freddy: Only will begin to appear when your exhaustion levels are below 20%, when he appears, he can alter things around you to appear differently. However, he can't harm you when your exhaustion is above 50%

    You know, something like this. I feel like it'd make for a fun little side game if the licensing could be obtained.

  7. I have a magpie with a broken wing in care and checked on him at least 5 times, because I thought he was making the bird sounds. Turns out it was just Insym's believer birds outside his window.
    If someone is interested in the birds, it has to be a magpie or crow species. Only those make this kind of noises.

  8. For the challenges, here’s an idea for you. The idea is basically a points system for the items, where all items have a points value assigned to them, and when choosing your loadout for a game, you have a limit on the number of points you can use to put together a loadout. For example, let’s say smudge sticks, photo camera tier 3, and tier 1 glowstick all have a points value of 12, but your loadout can only use 25 points. Are these items really worth spending half your available loadout for and the idea is to force you to choose your loadouts very carefully. If points is too much headache to work out, you could always just give yourself some kind of budget with the ingame currency and only take items within that budget as an alternative


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