Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we get levels in a really fun way that is also super effective! You only have a limited amount of time before they are going to reset all the levels so make sure to get a decent level so you can get an extra special legacy badge! I definitely recommend getting to at least level 1000! Good luck!
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
Custom Difficulty:
Starting Sanity: 0
Sanity Pill Restoration: 25
Sanity Drain Speed: 2
Sprinting: Off
Player Speed: 100
Flashlights: Off
Lose Items on Death: On
Ghost Speed: 150
Roaming Frequency: Low
Changing Favorite Room: None
Interaction Amount: High
Event Frequency: High
Friendly Ghost: Off
Grace Period: 0
Hunt Duration: High
Kills Extend Hunts: Off
Evidence Given: 3
Fingerprint Chance: 100
Fingerprint Duration: 120
Setup Time: 0
Weather: Light Rain
Doors Starting Open: High
Number of Hiding Places: None
Sanity Monitor: On
Activity Monitor: On
Fuse Box at Start of Contract: On
Fuse Box Visible on Map: On
Cursed Possessions: None
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8
Hey, has anyone ever wondered why Insym chose his username
I really wish the devs would quit micromanaging these things for just a couple of updates. The game is in a playable and good state (minus bugs and big-picture game design issues), but has the same production value as DK making this over the weekends and nights.
We just saw recently So Below, a game lacking the information transparency and clear direction that phasmo has, but goddamn that Nochtgeist model and animations were on point!
CJ already said a very long time ago at this point they'd like to redo character models etc. I'd love to see a string of updates where no new content is put out but instead they stop and refine everything they have both mechanically and graphically, and then make new content again later.
Level 10k+ here which was the milestone i wanted to reach before the reset
I am level 1005, and I was grinding sunny meadows. However your method is better since you can make money faster per minute. Thanks Insym!
I want someone to talk about me the way Insym talks about Phasmo
I got this game last week. I grinded 1021 lvls on tanglewood. thanks ADHD.
Old asylum was alittle bland but I don't see why they removed it.
Ah yes, I guess my life till the update is power levelling xD
Playing to mode currently the ghost has spawned on top of me 3 times
Yeah i started out and had to level up by myself no one would play with me! I'm like 150 now I'm gonna grind tonight. Sometimes they just kick you for fun too 💀.
For your request about being able to pick the ghost of your choice – instead of this they could make it so the newest ghost's odds of appearing is more likely than the others for like a week or two. Games that get constant updates tend to do this.
Something I found really effective is playing with fog on maple lodge on these cheesy difficulties
larger reward due to map size and the fog is like literally night vision.
I've been playing a lot with that and like a 10x multiplier (mostly for convenience like sprint) and I get like 1k to 1.2k for a full game in like 5-20 minutes depending on how it goes.
Starting with a 0% sanity hunt to find the ghost location and possibly do hunt objectives and then heal with pills. It's laughably easy to juke the ghost around the bathroom building with fog haha
I'm at level 6,672. I don't think it'll be possibly, but I'd love to reach 10K before the wipe. But we'll see.
Play doors update plssss
It is actually quite funny how consistently the levels have progressed – I have 10% of your playtime, and I am at level 1300, which is 10% of your level
Can't wait to see the badges/labels or whatever they are they'll add
I would strictly play on amateur before watching your videos and now I play on professional and i am level 67 but I have gone up 50 levels because of these videos
Level 289 after much attempted level grind in multiplayer lobbies with suboptimal custom settings. Still fun, but death not so much.
I am currently level 2,054. Which feels right, for 450+ hours of play time. No cheese for level grind. I figure whatever the level 2000 card looks like, will be plenty cool and unique for me.
hi insym! i'm so excited for the new update and looking forward to all the new content you'll be able to put out! you're my favorite streamer 🙂
im level 12 😀
I've been playing phasmo since 2021 but didn't play for a while bc of university and work but I recently reached lvl 600 (I also die a lot bc I'm willing to sacrifice myself for objectives)
The only way where playing as the ghost in phasmo could concievably work is with a mix between player and AI actions with the player having limited agency over the ghost kinda like the sims
I made 800 lvs in 2 days. I am now lvl 1150
They should tell how the badges will look like, i mean purple is my fav color and i’d like a purple badge and i dont know how much more do i have to grind to recieve one (im lvl1200)
People kick players out of their game for being too low level? The one and only time I decided to play public lobbies, the low levels are what made it fun.
"It's a deo, stop hiding, stop hiDING – smudge- run, RUN, RUNNNNNNN" choking sounds
RIP to the level 5 and 13 duo who I watched get brutally murdered in the corner, too scared to move
Phasmo is too simple of a game to care what peoples levels are or if they are brand new, especially since them dying doesn't effect you at all. Yeah- sure they can get you killed but you can easily survive yourself by just looping/using different hiding spots than them.
Im getting the game on friday so basically I am level 0