The Developers Designed This Challenge for PURE PAIN – Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we check out the new weekly challenge “Hide and Seek: Seeker” and it might be the most painful challenge ever made. ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8.1


22 thoughts on “The Developers Designed This Challenge for PURE PAIN – Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge”

  1. To be honest, I think to make good use of the sound sensors in big maps would be if they made a % range on the sounds being captured. So instead of a meter-radius, make it 15-20% size of the map layout. It would be nerfed on small maps but has a better outcome on big maps.

  2. This would be the perfect challenge to explore high school on, but in terms of actual gameplay it sucks. Lol I wandered around the map with one other person for nearly half an hour and we couldn't find the ghost room. We gave up, guessed shade, and it was a myling. If I retry this challenge I would want to do it with 4 people. I feel like this challenge would be best with 4, as you don't have sanity drain so no dealing with having to ration smudge sicks or sanity pills, and everyone going different directions would make the map more tolerable.

  3. Yep this challenge felt a little nostalgic. We got 2 Wraiths and a Myling. I always want Sound Sensors to be better than they are, and Highschool is a decent map to throw them down on, but the fact is that with only 4 sensors (and the ability to only carry 3!) and their small coverage vs the size of the map, you're still more likely to find the ghost room via hearing it interact or finding an open door first. I did use some sensors but they were not useful. None of our ghosts revealed themselves super quickly, and for one, I put a sound sensor in the gym and lecture hall, but then we found the ghost in a classroom. All 3 ghosts were in classrooms. I kind of wanted one to be in the lecture hall or gym, honestly.

  4. first round got a raiju that was super active, second round was an obake but took like 30 minutes to figure it out, third round it was a myling but my game crashed b4 I could leave with it, fourth round was an Oni which was super obvious

  5. we did this a group of 4, the first game took us 40 minutes.. 0 ghost activity, it woudnt move anything.. we got lucky one of the group was randomly using the spirit box everywhere and it was one of the evidence.. and of course it was a stupid gym ghost.. the 2 other games took us about 7 minutes combined loll.

  6. My first go was a banshee. I was having a hard time getting anything since I never actually found its room. I figured out it was a banshee by using salt and watching it walk really far away from the salt pile. The following 2 rounds were very easy. If I heard something distant, I would check the activity chart to make sure I wasn't just hallucinating and I did actually hear something. The 3rd round did dirty water, so I had no trouble finding it.

  7. A friend and I finished this challenge in about 45 minutes. Once we learned that there was no sanity drain, we just set up the sound sensors to cover half of each floor until we found the room. From there it was easy to just bring everything into the room and get evidence. The most annoying part was the lack of the strong flashlight.

  8. got lucky in the first game, was checking the cams and saw orbs in gym, second game the ghost room was right next to entrance and it did the obake fingerprints, third game it was in a random room upstairs which i found by orbs, all games were around 20mins

  9. With a challenge like this. Wouldn't a hunt automatically mean demon with it's ability to hunt at any sanity. Due to sanity draining being very low to non existant. Also can see the candle test to be important for the is challenge as well.

  10. I had a lot of throws and door touches in all my runs and a couple phone rings too, didn't have any trouble getting this done. Just have to listen and test noises with emf. Evidence was very easy to collect, freezing temps showed up right away. Only had one ghost event total. Overall it was a nice chill stroll through a dark and spoopy school, not having to worry about hunts.

    The slow speed was the most annoying thing so I didn't bother with the weak flashlight, I just brought 3 evidence tools in 2 trips.

    I guess if you're having a lot of trouble you could use sound sensors but with how long it takes to place them chances are you'll hear the ghost before placing them all (I had a phone ring when I tried which made them all pointless), maybe if it's in a tricky area you could place the sensors there.

  11. I did the challenge with three other friends.
    We did a trick where three of us would grab all the microphones and place them in a square position around the school to cover the most area possible, while one would stay in the van and keep an eye for any sound. We would move the position of the mics around until we got a sound notification.


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