Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we check out the weekly challenge and it’s my favorite challenge: No Evidence! ENJOY!
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Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9.1
please do something while you press the j . i can watch your videos at the night it hurt my eyes. please
INSYM I started has a bout 2 weeks ago and im already teaching level 50's about ghosts because of your page, THANK YOU. Phas is now a fun game to play with friends instead of a clueless run into a haunted house lol. I directed everyone who asked me how I knew things, DIRECTY to you 🙂
i had 2 mimics and i found dots immediately which made it so easy
happy tankgiving
As a fellow no evidence runner i loved this challenge
Just spend nearly an hour on a match. Both my bro died leaving me having to find all the evidence. Found out it could either be Onryo or Mimic. Forgot to bring candles. Eventually, I heard the gate close. I went to look and the gate was still open. Confuse I hear footsteps but I don't see a ghost model or flickering light or equipment. Out of nowhere I died. My bro said all he saw was the ghost suddenly appeared beneath me.
I never understand doing no evidance contract for 5k when you can do the x5 professional much faster for money and exp
I’m related to a Kyle White 😂
Me and my friends just kept guessing until we got very obvious ghosts like deo, revs, and a banshee
I dunno if this is a dumb question but can you get Forced Evidence in a no evidence run? For instance how Hantu will always give freezing temps or is that also disabled in this mode?
hi. just wanted to say i liked the first thumbnail more. you also gotta remember the people who put the vid into "watch later", bcz i think it wont show you
did anybody else try out this challenge and there was just no breaker??
did this challenge the other day and i had a wraith, mare, and yurei!
it was my first time doing no evidence with my sister, our first two tries we both died due to a bit of lag but our third try we got a shapeshift during a hunt so we got obake, fourth we then got a deo because it was really fast then became slow, then last run we got ghost orbs so it was the easiest one
Me and a friend had 2 mimics back to back.
Checking for banshee in single player is so easy just set up a row of motion sensors and/or salt piles between the ghost room and a different room and watch the ghost go directly to you. And if it's not a banshee if it doesn't happen in like one or two minutes that the ghost walks to you you can reliably rule it out because the banshee uses it's stalking ability so much it's like every 30 seconds or so.
Your thumbnail is the outside of Tanglewood and it is bugging me. lol
I correctly managed to figure out The Twins & a YUREI (it started off in the room behind the kitchen, then moved to the kitchen) and I suspected one Yurei door touch, but then for sure heard a lock click twice sound before seeing the door fully closed. I played with friends and we still need to get a third successful game. I'm so proud of myself for figuring out a yurei!!!
my old phasmo acc got hacked
I was lucky to find 2 jinns doing the same thing 1 after the other
My challenge mode was pretty insane, I had a Jinn, a Goryo which I thought was a Yurei, a Hantu, and then a Yurei, and I died to the Jinn because I forgot my head camera was on, or that I even had one. I don’t know how I didn’t die to the Yurei, because I was running in the living room during a hunt trying to loop it from the dining room, smudged it, and then realised I had nowhere to hide, so I sat by the fireplace, and somehow it just didn’t find me there, even though I thought for sure it saw me