The Developers Gave us a Really Weird Challenge – Phasmophobia Paranormal Paparazzi Weekly Challenge

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we play the new weekly challenge called Paranormal Paparazzi. This might be the weirdest challenge yet. It seems like the description is completely unrelated to the actual challenge itself. There are random items included and missing… ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8.1


39 thoughts on “The Developers Gave us a Really Weird Challenge – Phasmophobia Paranormal Paparazzi Weekly Challenge”

  1. its kinda interesting when the challenges are bugged. they are basically just custom games so really it shouldnt be bugging out, but if it is than it means that combo would have likely bugged out anyway so good to fix it now.

  2. First ghost was a Spirit for me, took a hunt to get it (was between moroi, deogen, and Spirit) — looking forward to playing this mode again tomorrow, then back to my personal challenge to beat every map on insanity mode.

  3. Hey ghost
    I'm your biggest fan
    I'll follow you until you hunt me
    Papa-Paparazzi 📸
    Baby, there's no other superstar
    You know that I'll be
    Your Papa-Paparazzi 🙂 📸

  4. Sound sensor is really good if you know how to use it properly along with motion sensor to keep track of where the ghost is during a hunt from the safety of the can while guiding your friends to safety and keeping them informed about the ghost location. Might not be that useful in a single player game but with a proper squad with roles defined, everything is super useful.
    I play with friends where the one of us has to stay in the van keep an eye out Sanity, Cams, Sound Sensor, Motion Sensor and Headcam. We rotate roles every games and we have a surprisingly good success rate even on higher difficulty and bigger maps.

  5. Challenge was a fun one this week! I went full in pretending the ghost was a famous person. Everyone was nice except one obake who did not show us an orb and we got it wrong. Lights, camera and action!

  6. Recently bought the game and thought for sure that NY experience as a viewer would help me out, which it did mostly…except for my first hunt which I thought my crucifix would save me, but it didn't..

    So what ghosts can and can't be stopped by a crucifix?

    Was killed by a poltergeist before I managed to light up all the candles for a ritual circle to get a quick photo and the incense stick stuff before having it walk over the cross

  7. Insym should make a video on phasmo with mic on so he gotta be quiet during hunts. Ik he probably already did this but it’d be cool to see in a newer version of the game 🙂

  8. Got all three done in a row with only one or two hunts so if a newp like me can do it most should be able to. As normal though you have to make sure on the evidence as I thought for sure I had a hantu on one as the bastid wouldn't leave the main power switch alone. But no it was a trolling ghost not related to power at all that just loved the switch. Yay for the panel in the truck for EM5.

  9. on the subject of sound sensor it also could be better if you can figure out some special abilities with it like banshee scream or deo heavy breathing of course way quiet than its parabolic microphone counterpart or even new set of exclusive evidence voices for this equipment

  10. They did ruin the summoning circle, but added monkey paw which has multiple uses, and can do what a summoning circle does, and then some. They also made the board use 50 sanity for the bone/ghost, which is just too much!

  11. I think with the title and description of the challenge they could've added more/different items, especially paramic and also maybe actually having to take a pic of the ghost for the challenge

  12. You can see the ghost write in the book with sound sensor by putting the book right beside it but yeah does require sitting in the van. Useful for large maps where ghost room really far away from van

  13. I had an obake, mare and spirit. Very fun challenge but writing is SO rare. I literally waited for 5min after i wished for activity for the writing of the spirit and it didn´t do it.


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