Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we go over the newest dev preview for Phasmo! In this one they showed us the ENTIRE NEW MAP called Sunny Meadows. There are so many special rooms in this new map. I cannot wait to play it! Let me know what you think! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
You can find the Dev Preview here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/739630/view/5974602444934677768
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.0
Imagine the stars align. Restricted room 69. Luigi board. Ghost age 69. Lisa.
A scullery is where pots, pans, and dishes are cleaned. 🙂
A Scullery is where waiters take your dishes once your done to clean off food scraps and sort them before they go to the kitchen to get washed.
Day 19 of requesting Insym to play Cry of Fear
Wonder if this came will get maps like a haunted hospital? Haunted Church? Haunted Quarry?
They should add an option to deal with 2 different ghosts on 1 big map, to increase difficulty and fun! Also allowing ghosts to roam the gardens or yards would add so much to the game. I can't wait for future updates!
We need more small maps
Oh, the restricted rooms are probably the torture rooms from the last preview!
love your
for the restricted rooms, maybe they may reintroduce the keys or some sort of keycard onto the asylum and you have to find them around the map in order to open them? Just an idea.
im soo downloading this version
Great vid bro! Your the best youtuber in the world!
Things to get scary.🥶😱
When new hellsign video
my favourite ytber rn 🙂
for me personally this game does not feel the same anymore. When it first came out it felt so unique and new and it was a genuinely scary game. Now even If I play this game late at night in my room alone It just not scary at all
thats good they all have names compared to asylum. where they have rooms like storage 16
I am SO EXCITED to play the new map!
Seems minor but are they going to add achievements? Im kind of an "achievement whore" and thats the one reason why Ive put off buying it sadly even though I love watching you play it every time you upload…Feel like "beat X level on Amateur, Intermediate, Professional and Nightmare/Correctly Identify X Ghost on Nightmare" etc would be basic ones I could think of..
i rather have it so that when i choose a loadout and miss the items it just buys it on mission start.
Why do i need to buy everything separately and then put it into the "serverbox"
Scullery is a small kitchen. Usually it's for washing dishes or laundry back in the day.
I love how our guy asks if CJ wants a loan. xD
Maybe they could add player skins or item skins at some point to have more customization and give another way to support the devs.
Restricted Rooms are probably gonna be filled with the bloody torture and experiment equipment. I would love to see the UV light inside of the padded room. It might be loaded with hidden text and drawings just like on the current Asylum
watching this in 4 in the morning, worth.
My cat died today thank you for posting ❤️
So you telling me that I can finally sell 2k+ Salts I stockpiled so I can finally afford the rest of the equipment? Sign me the FUCK UP!!!
To me, these previews do not help ease the issue I have with the extremely long wait time on content updates.
They make it worse actually. By dangling a carrot in front of our eyes. Any hype or interest in Phasmo is long gone for me, the prioritization of the vr update definitely killed the interest of the public as well if you look at google trends. I still enjoy your vids and streams sometimes Insym, but for you as an entertainer. Not for the game.
Looked up the defenition of "scullery", and it's a small room for washing dishes or other housekeeping tasks
with the prestige system they could add the good ol' gold items, just a skin, would be nice, or unlock new avatars
Maybe to get into restricted rooms you have to get a key that changes location every time
A Deogen in the courtyard sounds so cool!!
instantly quits
I hate ghost and morge as a combination it just doubles up the ambience for me
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