The First Ghost To Truly Spook Me – Phasmophobia


Meet Lisa Thomas, an incredibly aggressive, reactive and malicious ghost. She was waiting to pounce at any chance she could get. I definitely felt like I was being stalked by this ghost whenever I was inside the house.
Try and keep track of the number of ghost events throughout the video!


29 thoughts on “The First Ghost To Truly Spook Me – Phasmophobia”

  1. Hi! Love your content. You have got to be my favorite phasmo YTer. I like insym but sometimes I get tired of hearing all the cussing and so I watch your videos and you seem like a genuinely nice guy! Keep it up!

  2. Banshees either love you or hate you. If they hate you, they will be inactive and waste your time to try and hunt. If they love you they are active as hell, I feel like this ghost likes you a bit too much 🙂

  3. Thank you for your tips and tricks, they help a lot <3 Been playing this game for several months and I'm still super scared, but with your tips I am now scared but smarter! Subscribed.

  4. I do not know which 2 ghosts I had were scarier than every ghost I ever found, a Oni in Edgefield Garage, or a Yokai in a Prison bathroom upstairs. Both were Jammies (pj lady nickname i have) and both were so active and theor ghost events were perfectly timed. The Oni did the freakiest thing where i placed a book (old Oni evidence btw had writing) and she evented in front of the door, disappeared, turned off the light, and i look down to the book, Leave Or Die. I go to leave cuz the crucifix was used up, get to the hall she events in the front door, i get out and by the skin of my teeth escape her trying to hunt, and finally i look in the window and see her walking as shes hunting. The Yokai was probably more sinister, I was looking for fingerprints (thought it was a Phantom) and showing my cousin that the ghost could open the stalls and as i look to the final stall, she evented right in my face perfectly, i nearly threw my mouse. Later when I figured out it was a Yokai, she began shutting every door around her room and then hunted me. She followed me so close and the only reason i lived was because i blocked her sight with doors.

  5. I'm a total noob, so I've been watching vids of others to kind of quiz myself/practice. Right away, I guessed Banshee, because of how aggressive and right up in your business she was.

    So proud of myself I guessed it so quickly (because I'm usually super wrong lol). I must be getting the hang of it 😋 (or I just got lucky haha)


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