Something else.
If you like my vid, consider helping me out a bit by subscribing 🙂 @NeenoPeeno
#phasmophobia #comedy#funny
Sorry, SEO stuff: horror gameplay phasmophobia steam new player playthrough noob funny
You had me at the resume. You are underrated
Heheee these are funny! Please keep making more ^w^
My dude. I need ASMR from your vids
If I die and reincarnate as a ghost there,
Imma be a revenant to scare peeps
Howd you come up with your youtube name? 😂
"welcome to the team"
I don't know why I found that so funny lol
666 Likes right now XD
I was waiting for the E
That ASMR at the end though 😂
I helped a gangsta out
You look like sebastian from evil within 👁️👄👁️
Ah yes, O L D.
I'm already subscribed, dude you're amazing. I love your funny videos on phasmo people and ghosts, literally the highlights of my day.
It's nice to see hitmen can still continue their work even after passing away
i thought this would be different types of ghosts applying for a job but this works
Nice vid dude
Spirit demon or oni,
Soo go look for freezing, fingerprint, or emf 5
Sub to this man, for he is awesome and wholesome!
Reaper ult in a nutshell
They should add something for when any big streamers/you tubers play this, where if it recognizes their user name/steam name, it may whisper their name in the distance for extra creepiness, like if jacksepticeye was playing, you could hear a distant and creepy “séan” or for markiplier it could just be “mark”, but see if they can hide it from the files so that it’s completely unknown that it was added
Grammar did a bad lol
“How old are you?”
Dang I see why that guy got the position! Good on him!
intriguing job interview..
Imagine a hybrid between this guy and corpse
you help a gangsta out
take my subscription
My friend: omg my crush was in my dream!
My dreams (and sometimes thoughts):
Face u made toward the end kinda reminds me of James Franco
Where is E
HAHHAHAHAH, this b- really said
cant run
1/10 not enough old
Good one, love this game haha!
lowkey was expecting a death rattle somewhere
but im not disappointed and still liked the vid
This is what the ghost does for the 5 min in amateur
Wasn’t sold on subscribing till he said, “it’d help a gangsta out.” Subbed with notifications on.
I don't play the game but this is still funny
The end is literally an asmr video
The guy to record those voice lines for the game was probably so confused
I walked in with spirit box. Said where are you, he says close I say thanks he says E
A very interesting resumé
You asked so nicely at the end, how could I not subscribble?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
writing and spirit box, but no freezing temp. its either Oni or Spirit