Welcome back to Phasmophobia! Today we go to Grafton with a SUPER FUN team. We had an insane VR player and some solid gamers as well! This ghost had no idea what hit him. I also may or may not have done some terrible things this game lol… I did warn him lmao. I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
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Intro art by: https://twitter.com/ImagimationA
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.1.2
19:10 standby for titanfall
11:55 Leaving a timestamp because I feel like this part of the video is my new home, I'm repeating it so much
Multiplayer is much more fun 😍❤️
Nice video insym
hi, I enjoyed this video…
I can't wait to be able to play phasmo, we also might play bc I am kinda good at it until one update made it so I can't play
😞 and continue to become a legend😃
When you close your eyes, it sounds like you’re watching pewdiepie.. hehe
I just wonder can you hang a glowstick on a door knob? It has a hook so it would be a great thing to add this in a game.
06:35 What are thoooooooooose.
19:10 – Damager jumping down from the first floor like a Chad after escaping a ghost hunt.
All I needed to hear was "great vr player" and along with the title I just KNEW it was Damager 🤣
WHO HAS A YT CHANNEL. Y'all better go look at it.
Hey i am a new subscriber…
BRUH also 19:09 has me in fucking TEARS holy fuck!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
20:44 Did someone notice that glowstick flying right through the corner??xDDDD
VR players are a different breed
VR Man strikes again
still waiting for the Project Zomboid part 4 :l
Nothing to see here, just Damager doing Damager things.
bro the mans sleep paralysis demon was tryin to get em
It's been a while since we saw Damager. Love how games always turn crazy when he's there. You should invite him on your next playing session with psycho and CJ. CJ will try to murder him all day.
I'd shit myself playing in VR and this guy just went nuts. A lil bit chaotic this time, but absolutely funny <3
16:04 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ahahahahahhahahahha
This need a fucking animation bro
Damager is my favorite
The vr dude was so funny
I physically can not be the only one who thinks this
20:43 no one noticed the purple stick flying in the back lol
Something that only just occurred to me while watching you flick the lights on and off : What if all ghosts could have an interaction with player flashlights? Just turn them off out of nowhere. Make it more common with Mares and Raiju (since mares don't like light and raiju mess with electrical equipment). I think that would be super creepy as well.
Also, I think it could be creepy for ghosts to have an interaction with mirrors that leave shadow silhouettes in them for a little bit.
I just want them to up the creepy factor a little more; I like subtle horror.
That's some aggressive pillow talk starting at 8:18
i honestly hate people hacking in this game. just ruins it
I have sure missed Damager!
Damager makes the best content.
Insym's playing with Damager…? Enough said, I'm in!
when the vr player tried to throw the tarrot cards I actually spat my food all over the screen, more of him please 🙂
Most chaotic ghost hunting team
Saw the clip of the vr dude on the bed, that was so funny I had to watch this video to see what led up to this moment lol
The scream Damager does at 16:05 XD
for the shorts can you link the original video?
19:05 POV: Thwomps in Mario games
VR players are so funny. I‘m not sure if only mares do the light switch thing. Because I had a different ghost type do that twice a few days ago.
Dont know why they still havent done anything about it that you can grab the Items behind the truck with playspace mover, reported that back in the day way before Nightmare Update and all in 2020, when I decompiled the Game, found the Positions they would spawned in if the Script doesnt shuffle them in, and grab them from there with Playspace Mover, only did it in Solo to see if it was possible to get there, but apparently nobody cared that I reported this, if you have a VR Player being a cheating prick that gets all items from the Spawn Spot it pretty much kills the fun imo.
lmaoo the scream at 5:53
YES DAMAGER! Love seeing videos with him.
damager is a great guy)