Enjoy our gameplay video of the Phasmophobia Christmas Update Ghost Hunting game. Phasmophobia is a horror investigation survival game played from a first-person perspective. The player works solo or in a group of up to four players to complete a contract in which they must identify the type of ghost haunting the specified site. Players can communicate through voice chat, both locally within a short distance and globally via walkie-talkies. Phasmophobia features speech recognition allowing certain pieces of equipment and even the ghost to hear players speaking and understand key words. Completing objectives and gathering evidence provide a payout; complete as much as possible to level up, unlock maps and difficulties, and earn money.
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i’m here
Here for a banger
Yall guys have out done on yalls videos nd i was wondering if yall would helpe out getting started
Hi yaw
You have to get a certain amount of eggs. Different with each map. It tells you on the screen int the van. If you get them all you get 100% sanity.
The egg’s if you collect them all you get yours sanity back to 100% and there's a counter at the bottom right of the map screen for how many you still need
Noti gang 😎🤙
This video was super good! No action really but good. Thanks you for the entertainment
Thank you for the welcome, ,i try to play solo but can't get the bigger sites .
I would love to see you guys get hunted a few times and see if you can hide and survive lol