Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we try the hardest challenge in Phasmophobia together with CJ and Psycho! They recently increased the rewards you get from this challenge so this will be JUICY! ENJOY!
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Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.10.0.1
For anyone trying to do the apocalypse challenge, you can edit the Apo3 setting and set the hunt duration from high to medium without decreasing the multiplier and therefore still be able to get the trophy
Hey Insym, this is totally off-topic for this video, but have you thought about playing Mucorales?? It's a really short horror game about Little Red Riding Hood, and it seems like a fun game when you're playing a few short horror games perhaps!
I swear i've seen this video before
Every time I see those two walking, it makes me laugh. It's not matching someone who does scary stuff at all, unless it's supposed to be like that for humor.
03:02 hantu breath
I got 8500$ on my apocalypse run
The terrible trio is here!! You guys always make me laugh
Apoc gold is not the hardest challenge in the game. Perfect game is (max money). I would love to see you attempt it Insym! Only one person has ever done it to date.
can you even get the apocalypse 3 if normal speed?
Psycho scream in the distance was the best 🤣🤣🤣
Hi ya Mysni I found you from a video you posted a year ago LOL your such a bad person :p I see your on the road to 1Million SUBS 🙂 kind of curious what your plans are for 1Mill Subs 🙂 Glad to be part of the Initial 1Mil
Is there a specific reason for using t2 crucifix?
Psycho got trolled by the ghost at the end there, crazy
Hi @Insym could you pls do a summer vibe horror game, like "Do you copy" had… I liked that game so much!
hey ho comment 49
and comment 50 hahaw
I really wanna see different phasmo contents more such as No Ear Challenge, we all love ghost gambling but there are really good challenges suggested by viewers on discord as well, it'd be a fresh air to see those challenges
Heres a tip for some people, if you have t3 salt then you can go to the chapel, put all the salt in front of you and wait, when the ghost goes over the salt, it will slow it down, allowing you to get a photo, then smudge it and hide behind the piano, I did this and got the challenge done in 2 hours
I love how they forgot to check if the ghost photo had ghost in it sinmce they were testing between banshee and phantom
The audio broadcast issues are real, I find they happen more frequently when playing on controller with headset plugged into the controller
Was looking at the trophy wall in the into of the vid and had a thought: is it just me though or does anyone else miss the cozy/down to earth vibe the old garage lobby had? love all the new additions but i miss that grungy college students decide to hunt ghosts vibes. wish you could opt into the old one again as an option or something
yo insym ben je Nederlands? pls reageer
The Global is just sometimes broken from game to game for a specific person.
Insym lowkey gonna hit 1m subs soon 😅
I love these Terrible Trio Apocalypse videos. I always like to watch them with Amnesia Dark Decent ost in the background for extra creepiness.
23:33 "NOOO…" dies
34:10 banshee scream
What’s the custom settings? I’m new 🙂
This is not the hardest challenge in Phasmophobia. BigMeik made the real hard one by earning $11.510 in one run.
Hey these were some fun runs to watch 😉
on 15x I got a deo today with some fotos being messed up (one 3 start ghost foto) but all 3 objectives and without the bone
a payout of 8433 bucks, so I guess a perfect game on 15x could be around 9-10k actually 🙂
Noticed something odd when playing phasmo today.. We had the monkey paw and I was in Discord talking to the team I was playing with about what to wish for.. when the monkey paw reacted. I wasn't holding my push to talk button, and checking the settings it was set to push to talk.. Not sure if that is something new or not but did not see anything about this in the notes. Fun times!