Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we find a super difficult ghost on Tanglewood! Usually it’s super easy to find ghosts on the small maps but this one made me work super hard for it! I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
Intro art by: https://twitter.com/ImagimationA
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.2.1
Ah yes whenever insym talks about mass effect he has a mini stroke ima write that down
imagine if after finding out what ghost it is, you have to go in the house again but you have ghost hunting equipment (ghost traps or something (and if you chose the wrong ghost you´d have a really hard time catching the ghost)) and try to catch the ghost
If you're looking for game where your choices are fun, Alpha Protocol's writing makes up for middling gameplay.
why bloom off?
23:30 hahahahhah
hey man keep up the good work my friend that i talk to like your phasmo vids
you sound a bit sick, hope you're ok. I like your videos, keep it up!
If you ever need a phasmo break I would love to see you play Where's Lila on steam for $12! Please 🥺🥺🥺
Really want to see you play with cj and psycho in phasmo again
I liked the discussion about faux-choice in video games. I remember one of those crappy Harry Potter mobile games a while back, that advertised itself as being full of choice, and a "choose your own adventure" kind of game, where the player would direct the story. The point where I put down the game was when there were 3 dialogue options: "My brother", "Ancient magic", "Dark Ice" – something like that. But no matter what you picked, the character would say "I think my brother may have encountered some ancient magic that can defeat this dark ice so we can keep moving!"
That's what truly frustrates me: When companies advertise their games as having multiple endings, but no matter what the player picks, they ultimately end up in the same spot. Which is fine, just don't advertise it as being something it's not.
You are the most consistent YouTuber I’ve seen I saw one of your videos yesterday and you already have what 3 more. Commitment on point
My boy you need sleep, the bags under your eyes are literally purple
One of the worst ghosts I've ever had was here on Tanglewood; it kept roaming back and forth between the nursery and the master bedroom, constantly. It never stayed in one spot long enough to DOTS or write; it was in constant motion. It also basically never interacted with anything. That was a miserable game! This was from before they made certain tweaks to ghost's roaming behaviors like the distance check, and man am I thankful for those.
Man BDO was a fun game but I cant get back into playing it.
I thought of some shit and i came to an conclusion that if u have orbs and no freezing it cant be freezing cause a hantu needs freezing in nightmare for its ability.
How did you start your streaming career ? ive been trying but its not working for me, any advice?
Yas,this is ur hardest tango gloom ghost.
he doesnt have time to play mmos? whats his job? gaming? Is he going to uni?
Ok if he doesnt like mmos but I dont understand this statement. What does he do when he's not streaming games
insym a little out of pocket talking about wasting time on video games lmao, he spends 8 hours a day playing a ghost simulator. Hes very fortunate that he got lucky with his phasmo career, if he didn't he would be "wasting time" to this day
When I recently replayed all 3 Mass Effect games after years I felt so nostalgic over certain characters and moments. One of my favourite moments is seeing the Normandy return at the beginning of ME2.
The real question Insym, is who do you romance?
You actually don't have a Doom Eternal playthrough on youtube.
Btw, if you're looking for games to play, a real short but beautiful game is Scanner Sombre. I recommend playing it in VR but you don't have to. It is a ~2hr cave dwelling light horror experience. Please check it out!
Yo Insym. You know how you can look through for your photos in the main lobby? I was looking at a really weird one, it was in a bathroom with the lights and flashlight off, facing the mirror, and there were red eyes in the mirror, do you have any idea what this is? None of us remember taking a picture like that so we can’t tell if that picture is an Easter egg or what. Do you have any idea what this could be? We looked it up and didn’t find a single thing on it.
You know Insym fans are great when you search comments for any mention of what kind of ghost it is but find nothing.
12:00 is a Fake Hunt which is something I ABSOLUTLY want in a ghost. A ghost that's able to just do a fake hunt which is a ghost event that chases down the nearest player for 15 seconds.
wth I was the 666th to like this and there are 66 comments
Man, that karen ghost right when you walked into the house was like "You break into my house?! I want to speak to.yoyr manager!!!!"
The fact he started to talk about Mass Effect got me excited. I just recently started watching your channel and I love it I think it’s funny and hilarious. I’ve been using your techniques when I do my own in game investigations. Hopefully you do stream mass effect pretty soon! I think the fans will love it. 💕
This ghost really put the hunt in ghost-hunting
The HARDEST Ghost Ever! AGAIN!
Can u tell me where I can download free
Yeah I mean the ending of ME3 wasnt good, but the game was the best ending for the series I could imagine. Think of the game as the ending, not only the last 5 minutes.
And Andromeda had an awesome gameplay ! Really loved it ! The only reason I think it wasnt in my top 3 ME Games is, because I always hated large maps like in the first one. Too much driving, not enough shooting. I give them sympathy points for the graphics and low amount of new races. EA really fucked that up with their policy that made them use a bad engine for RPs and their short development time they gave BioWare
1:39– Did he just have a stroke lol?
Just got my first Yokai. Tried for about 30 minutes to get it to hunt, got bored and left
So it's youkai because can't find you in a hunt?
i played phasmophobia on tanglewood with my brothers and we just hided in garage closets 2 hours in row. That ghost hunted like 35 times and made like 20 ghost events. Why do you have cookies in intro picture btw?
"and thats canon to me" you may feel that way, but that doesnt change the fact that the canon ending is the bad one you were talking about, the one in the mod is a fan made ending, its the same thing as if a say a manga or tv show has 1 ending, then it gets adapted into an anime or movie, but they take liberties with the content for entertainment reasons, its noncanon, can it still be entertaining and enjoyed? sure but not the canon(intended) ending/story
That feeling when you know that the ghost is (replace after watching the video) , from just the title alone . 😀
gameplay question: how do you know when it's a hunt vs. a ghost event?
Runescape, Wow, COD, Genshin, Black desert.
So many MMO's… So much wasted time XD
its a yoshee, sings for ghost events, but then cant find you for hunts
also you arent missing out on much with tiktoks, have friends that send me tiktoks, and its just people doing stupid stuff for views, worse than i think it was than with the original YT or with those challenges
Ben je bewust van footstep bugs? Mimic en andere spoken gedragen zich als sen wraith en laten in zout ook geen voetstappen achter
thanks for the cookie
i found were you can get a sprit box