If you’ve ever struggled to get that missing piece of ghost evidence, have no fear, this video teaches you about the secret, hidden evidence to get you more successful missions!
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What are some tricks you use to catch the ghost?
Wow, its been a while, and also wow, i would’ve thought this was a large channel if i hadn’t already checked
It's actually surprising how little the game actually tells you about all of this.
The Revenant definitely goes faster/slower depending on sight. Especially if you have a dead person following the ghost while they're hunting, they can check the ghosts speed.
I can confirm you can hear the revenant goes fast AF when it hunts. We got th house with the second floor and the ghost room was upstairs, we were doing some gear moving when he decided to start hunting and he close the door literally on me 2 steps away from being outside
Next thing I hear is him literally running down the stairs so I can legit confirm yes, the revenant is 1 – A bitch and 2- A fast bitch
4:37 I love when the ghost said BEHIND and he just moonwalk out of the house.
I just realized, when you get to 1k, I'll have to watch more ads than I've already have.
You said "hit the ghost with a smudge stick"
It was in the Yurei section btw.
But is that about the whole throwing stuff at them?
I didn't really understand it XD
Good video, the others were well explained
Cool video, dude! I subbed, cuz I was surprised at how small of a channel you are. I love the flow of your video, well made
haha comment
While a thermometer is useful, it's not necessary; freezing temperatures mean you can see your breath, and if you haven't seen those for a while in a room you know the ghost is hanging around in, you can rule it out. Similarly – EMF 5 can actually be seen in the truck; it appears as a jump of 4 on the graph. If you see a lot of those, then EMF 5 is likely. If you've seen a dozen jumps of 1 or 2, and no jumps of 4, you may be able to rule it out. (Honestly, checking that chart all by itself will unstick a lot of missions.)
By finding freezing temperatures and checking for EMF 5 in your truck, you can split the ghosts into four small groups without any tools.
Ghost footsteps are very important! They make an audible step about once every thirty seconds, with substantial randomness, and it is a guaranteed tell for where they are. That can help figure out room-based behaviors like Oni or Shade if you're not sure which small room the ghost is really in.
Spirits make footstep noises a lot more frequently than other ghosts. That makes them 100% confirmable with no tools, but your whole team has to be willing to sit quietly and listen. (Splitting up helps to make sure you don't miss the ghost's location, of course.)
Because only Spirits and Poltergeists have neither freezing temperatures nor EMF 5, excluding a Spirit can confirm a Poltergeist.
Likewise – Because only Phantom and Banshee have both freezing temperatures and EMF 5, if you photograph one of them and it doesn't disappear, you can confirm a Banshee.
Finally, and while this isn't really a guaranteed ID thing… most players know that the scariest ghosts come with freezing temperatures, and seeing your breath is a sign that you might get hunted early. Freezing temperatures without EMF 5 could be a Demon or Mare, which can start their hunts early but not right away; it's freezing temperatures with EMF 5 that you really need to worry about, because that could be a Banshee who can attack at any time at all – and she usually starts closer to you than the others.
the banshees also follow their target around for a while before they start a hunt, regardless of where the target is or line of sight to the target. so with that in mind, another thing that can give away a banshee is it roaming outside a LOT and consistently interacting with stuff near a player even if they're a distance away from the ghost room.
Hey! Could you use your final way of thinking on: demon, mare, wraith
This is one I had today which didnt truly reveal itself through either ghost orb, writing or fingerprints. It didnt reveal itself to us either aside from starting a hunt when we were in seperate rooms. (It ended up being a mare btw)
Why do you not have more subscribers?! This is a travesty.
how tf u have only 131 subs? ur video quality and content is for sure A++, ive seen youtubers with dozens of thousans of subscribers that can't even make de video with the quality like yours
If there is any behavior for the Spirit than it would be that they try to act "spooky" without being aggressive per se (it's hard to explain and can be subtle, so use smudge sticks instead, they are weak to that and won't hunt for 3 minutes instead of the usual 90 seconds).
The banshee also likes to stalk it's target so if the group dares to split up you will know quite fast who the ghost is targeting.
The advise for the Shade only counts for when you are playing in a group, when playing solo the Shade acts like a less intense Spirit at best and be as aggressive as Jinn at worst.
It is also good to remember that in rare cases you can have ghost that does not exhibit its core behavior (like a friendly demon that ends up acting neutral to you). I have personally had 2 Jinn just cease all activity when I entered their room when I heard them playing with stuff on my way to and from the place (those where strange hunts)
Also the example you gave at the end could have been better as the phantom gives freezing temps, while the Shade and Jinn do not