Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I show you a really stupid bug that allows you to take infinite photos of the same item. We also finally got a TRUE perfect game on Sunny Meadows for the first time using this bug. ENJOY!
DISCLAIMER: This is a bug so it should not be exploited, especially not in multiplayer. With the new reporting system it could get you banned so please don’t be silly! This was just to test if it actually works and to report it to the devs.
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7
Flexing is when you have a "girlfriend" in a game #Insymimhere
Next video try to ask “what is your room” to the board
That's actually cool I'll definitely do that!
I wonder what CJ's reaction every time Insym posts a video showcasing a glitch
"Make the Board's piece spin once towards the center when it is telling us the same digit twice"
I have been watching your videos for months now but I just started playing with my gf and I’m level 10 impressing her by getting the ghost with no evidence, thanks insym 😊
Getting a perfect game was always the goal, now I dont even try, the new photo system is less fun.
ONCE AGAIN: This is a bug so it should not be exploited, especially not in multiplayer. With the new reporting system it could get you banned so please don't be silly! <3 This was just to test if it actually works and to report it to the devs.
So yurei special ability is closing the door without sound?
Its already time for this stupid Lisa thing to die
Lisa has been awakened at the sunny meadows and she want revenge
I was playing with a friend amd when the hunt started i didnt had any flash light a d i was in the closet and then he killed me in the closet didnt thought that it can kill in the closet without flash light
I think they should buff the D.O.T.S photo, it's the only one that requires some skill to get so would make sense if it was more valuable.
Love your videos so much 😊😊
I’m surprised how many bugs you can find, but who am I to complain?
Did you try spamming photos of Ghost Writing?
i think this happens because you put the cruzifix kinda away and take it out like refresh the item like its another cruzifix
would be different if the 2 cruzifixes would have different scripted numbers in the files as much i understand
I didn't get the Lisa joke
CJ: Not again…
8:22 title work
I think Lisa is getting angry now!!
I just tried this in single player and it didn't work? I did what you did and uh I got 1 crucifix photo and 2 empty photos
I need to tell my brother this, He recently bought phasmo and me and him watch your videos a lot, and your videos inspire me. Love the video, keep up the great work! 😀
I've been trying to get a perfect game in 24x Sunny Meadows lately, and while doing this is very tempting due to how difficult it is to get good photos in 24x, it wouldn't feel right since it's a bug.