Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we get to level 12.000 in Phasmophobia! It’s been a long journey but we’re finally there! During this video I explain what I think about while playing Phasmo at a high level. I hope this will be entertaining and educational! ENJOY!
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7
Thanks for getting me through finals o7
oooh the intro!!! love it, with the sound effect at the end 😀
i have the same birthday as m,y favorite content creator! 😀
2:00:17 actual based insym moment
Insym has another video that shows you how to get money and XP really quick. It's a ~15x multiplier where the ghost is faster, you can't sprint, there are no hiding spots and you start at 0% sanity. BUT, you get 4x 25% sanity pills. I truck in most of my gear and throw it in the front door, then go take all the pills and start investigating. Turn the breaker on first and get as many evidences as you can. Hunts are basically a death trap so you need to be all but done by the time you hit 50% sanity. Early hunters suck and will often kill you, especially if they spawn with you in the room. Drop a crucifix as a warning, and evidence that you may have an early hunter.
But even if you don't get the ghost figured out, pictures and the bone will net you huge amounts of XP and a nice payday. I really hope the Phasmo devs leave these options in future iterations of the game, because its really nice to be able to grind a few out on my own in case I have a bad run in multiplayer or just wanna be a Phasmo sugar daddy and pay for all the gear for newer players.
3 hours of pure goodness
I had no idea insym played pokemon, please stream it for us (me) so we (I) can play pokemon while we (I) watch you play pokemon :)))))))))))))))))))
Banshee ability used 23 times? What on earth game 🤣😅 GG Insym, some fiery ghosts
play the forest with cj and psycho and forest 2 with cj and psycho when it releases
55:12 OLD BREAKER????
16:27 Car Bedroom. Got it. It woke up the car.
41:30 to preface this i'm pretty new, but could it be possible that the "abilities used" could be referring to the banshee's ability to only target you during a hunt?
I’m new to the Phasmo lingo, is there a particular reason the specific questions are asked? “Are you grandma? Are you pizza? Are you French?” I understand that asking questions triggers the game to respond, but why those questions?? Just wondering, as I find it rather amusing!
After the bashing of both American football and true footbalI would have loved to hear your opinion on hockey, baseball and any other sport in existence
I love how this is the second time I heard this (I was in stream, but it's great to study to it)
i had the most elusive yokai today. it found us literally every hunt, and never showed any evidence, no matter how hard we tried. we had a liar in the group who said he got spirit box and dots, no one believed him. never got dots or spirit box ever again. and it was a yokai. on willow. it always found us. so mad
Cant wait for christmas update!! We will see christmas hat ghosts
16:24 "Its in the car bedroom"
Ahhh so thats what pain looks like. 🎉Good work🎉
I love how the ghost immediately started hunting you as soon as you called it an ass and a nuisance. 😂
can you play specter 2,the mimic on roblox? specter 2 is a ghost hunting roblox game, the mimic is honestly the scariest and the best horror game on roblox.
congrats on 12k! man i wish i could play but i actually cant buy the game lol.
How about that idea : phasmophobia but you cannot know what kind of ghost it is: you need to do objectives and take photo,and as well take the bone,but you cannot discover what kind of ghost it is.
Cell blocks are the worst areas on prison. Other than that I love prison.
in the comments I always advise you to play some games, maybe I'm unlucky not to get even one response, then I accidentally look at the description and there is a game suggestion form damn it, don't blame me you never told me in the video or maybe myself who don't pay attention
Can u live 5 hours in a map
i just remembered you 2 years later, and you’re still a phasmo phobia legend
Legend has it that CJ still hasn't performed the tent flying glitch, which is why he hasn't patched it LOLL.
the car bedroom 16:26 🤣🤣
Oh boy a 3hr video 😁
Nah! Phasmo Video!!!
Love your content, keep it going you are the best!
My fav sport was Skating and anything to do with dancing. It was facinating to see because everyone else have different opinion to each contestant.
Couldn't get that exp after this current change hahaha RIP custom games </3
nice! 🙂
ah yes,the guy that got me into playing phasmo solo
Sigh, every time Insym tells how much he dislikes Camp Woodwind, my heart breaks a little bit, because it is my favourite and most played map.
I just love it. It's small enough to find the ghost quick if you use a paramic. But it doesn't have a basement or upper floor, like every other small map, so you can set up your equipment very fast. And no matter where the ghost room is, it is never a long walk to the truck, because the map is so small and open. Generator is easy and quick to access. There are actually very good hiding spots. Looping the ghost around the campfire is fun, looking for Slenderman is fun.
But I guess everyone has their own opinion. 🙂
what if it was 6 pickles tho
Btw after seeing the new update and continue this video, I see the big difference between, it’s so damn cool!!!
The number one skill a soccer player can learn is not to be good at the game but to just be able to do a convincing flop.
Wealthy people aren't capable of feeling sad? What a bizarrely callous thing to say. "Money doesn't buy happiness" is a well known saying for a reason.
Can they add a "Times Game Crashed" counter to the stats XD
1:17:30 ~ Def nonanoni