Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we bring back the Level 1 challenge but we make it WAY MORE crazy! We’re doing it on INSANITY difficulty… ENJOY!
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Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8.1
But also…I remember being scared to go into the house after the prep time. You’ve always been way braver than me, I only got this game after watching you play and I had no clue how you just ran in there! Of all my friends who got it to play with me, I’m the only one who still plays.
I definitely wish there were more ways to INFLUENCE the ghost behavior, like
"write in the book" or "throw something" or "touch the door" or if "show yourself" actually made ghost event more likely
"a bit" of experience. more like ALOT.
a much more preferential course for developers to take rather than epilepsy WARNING is an epilepsy-mode that tones down the blinking etc etc
Insym's stats are like those of the weather forecast…."and we beat today's record since the records have been kept."
You mention that it's hard to play with the controller I always play with the Xbox controller I think it makes it easier for me but I can guess it if people aren't used to it it can become the confusing
They should make phasmophobia more scary by making a randomized jump scare when you die. Who agrees?
It would be really cool if you updated your tierlists:)
Different types of epilepsy have different types of seizures. My Aunt worked at a call center, where she worked at a computer everyday. Mon – Thurs everyday she would be just fine.. Every Friday she would have a grand Maul seizure. "Grand Maul" is the type where they are shaking on the floor and its debilitating. They set her up in a hospital room with no computer for 5 days… there were no seizures.. they gave her a laptop and her brainwaves reacted to it… Some screens display light differently than others… A friend of mine's seizures were set off by smells… he was a short order cook, He had to stay on his meds or he couldn't do his job.. He didn't even own a computer.. He didn't have a car either because of it.
Warnings are there for legality. Anyone will claim a lawsuit.
I have started playing a long time ago with friends, now I learn how to play again, but at least have money to back that learning experience. I've brought a few more people to the game and they are learning with me, using my backup funds as well xD
I was a lifelong console player up until about 2020 when I got a pc. Even now, I mostly stick to games with controller support bc controller is so much more relaxing. Honestly, 99% of the mechanics in phasmo come natural to my on the controller.
I don't use flashlight I use candle
I can't wait for console, unless playstation decides to make it overpriced for no reason
I have never played Phasmo in my life, but I think this is the only game I can figure out what's happening, all thanks to Insym.
Not sure if this is the best place to post this but.. Suffer the Night was a demo you played like 8 months ago, it has a full release now and would be nice to see you play
.. 🥂cheers, keep up the great content
47:09 Turns out my pc can't run this game properly, this is sadness
I remember when I got the deo spirit box response for the first time and it startled the fuck out of me because i absolutely was not expecting it. wish this game still caught me off guard like that.
Given your description of the new player experience, I'm glad I never had it. I was smart and watched multiple people play the game before I tried it myself. I still had to learn a lot on my own, but it was nowhere near as bad as you describe.
dedication is spending 600 bucks to review a game youve got thousands of hours of play in on pc
Isnt this making fun of new players? When i started i knew what to do cause i watched yt videos first
16:14 can someone tell me whoch vid/stresm this is?
talking about the tutorial I would love to be able to fix it using my knowledge and what I learned from you over the last year and half. I remember I started with the tutorial and I always thought they should teach you Inside the truck and still enable hunts but give you like unlimited high pristresses so you can get use to the idea of what a true hunt is and how to hide and everything without the risk of losing everything. Teach the player in the heat of the moment type thing. I would so love to do a overview idea on how to make it better hehe.
can u play the tutorial
as somebody with epilepsy theres different kinds. mine dont get triggered by lights but it could be lack of sleep or various other things. it varies so much some people have them everyday and some have them once a blue moon like myself
i were there too when i look up my shitty laptop for the new game
what an old time lmao
I was today years old when i acknowledge that mare roams away of the lightened candle ._.
When you will do Languages Challange?
I missed These days When you did This Challange 😂😂😂
i never played tutorial
I learnt phasmo from u
I don't think anyone told Insym that he IS the tutorial🤣
if i die to a deogen its because my stupid ass always runs into a room with a dead end where i cant loop
When are they making an april fool's event challenge mode where you have to find the ghost but after a while a confused family walks into a house full of fucking weirdos, in the other room, you hear white noise with the occasional "where are you?" "Are you here?" "Are you friendly?"
They should add a ghost (Name Idea: Weeper) That slows down when youre looking at it and speeds up when you dont see it or are not looking in its direction. Could also know your location like the deogen. So you can confuse the two if youre not carefull
Insym got a new shirt!!
Brand new player here, the tutorial is amateur, starter equipment, and a friendly ghost. Nothing about hiding, cursed possessions, or optional equipment. Your videos quickly got me to solo professional after a few weeks. So keep up the great content! Phasmo has quickly become my go to game!
i think its pretty funny that people look up specs of games to know if they can play it, not that i have a super op pc or anything i just buy it anyway and suffer through it LOL i remember playing dragon age inquisition when it came out at a whopping 12 fps and i thought it was smooth if it reached 20 XD
I thought freezing was orbs
When you just watched a video on 1.75x speed and you clicked on this one and he goes, “hiyoutubehowareyoudoing”
I had an idea on a horror game that used tags to mark different things and you could go into an accessibility menu and turn off certain events. So like turn off spiders or flashing lights, etc.
To the new tutorial's credit, the ghost is at least random and it doesn't give you the answer straight away, so you do have to determine which ghost it is with what they give you. The earlier tutorial would straight up say what ghost it was and then say what items you need to bring for that evidence, which is so backwards. They updated the tutorial when the big block of ghosts got added, so it was fun to see Twins through the tutorial on launch, if a little maddening trying to determine which was their real room.
"Phazmaphobia is a community project"
Me who doesn't have friends and only watches Insym to learn the game
We need to ask CJ about cross progression.
"Just play the game," is one of the strangest takes I've ever heard on an Insym video
i hope i get in a lobby with you my friend and i are absolute booty water at the game but we have fun at least
play a roblox horror game called The Intrudor its kinda hard and simular to Fnaf. there are 4 or 5 chapters (4or5 different maps with different mechanics) . good luck if you will play it its really fun
Insym attempts to MURDER his epileptic fans
What Isym said was very true thanks to the in game tutorial I've had to go to YouTube to looks for good tutorials but then I found Insym and my new favourite content creator since Pewdiepie ❤
I currently use a computer that I have to look up to see if the game could run on the computer (and the minimum specs aren't always true like how you think), I basically bought this computer because I was short on funds and still am, but I really wanted an actual computer and was sick of just constantly relying on my phone and console to play games, it just wasn't comfortable.
The PC specs are 1.6Ghz dual core, 4GB RAM, 64GB internal storage, 128MB of VRAM, 11.6 inch display, and 720p only.
I was lucky that one of the games I deeply loved ran on this computer which was Battlezone Gold Edition (thanks to the C++ code it uses), and yes, even Phasmo can run on my computer, I had to turn down the graphics though and still would get terrible FPS.
So yes I know what it's like to have a bad computer, but I would rather get a bad Windows computer than to have a high end console/phone, this is coming from a guy that hasn't touched console for over 1 year.