The Level 6666 Challenge… – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we reach LEVEL 6666! What a spooky level indeed. And for that occasion we’ll do a spooky challenge: No Evidence on Asylum. This video contains probably the scariest moment during a hunt I have ever had. I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.4.1.2


44 thoughts on “The Level 6666 Challenge… – Phasmophobia”

  1. Hey Insym, I have a challenge for you in level 6,700. It is..

    No Light's
    No Evidence
    No Crucifix (only if you need to do an objective)
    1 Smudge Stick Only (nah I'm joking 2)
    No Flashlight
    Use Headcam (some people know they watched the "Headcam's secret ability" video)
    No Salt (same with crucifix objective, just use 1 salt bottle and place em all in da door if you need to do a salt objective)
    2 Camera's (photo)
    1 Lighter (if you lost your one lighter, you have to restart becuase you can't just take another lighter)
    No Candle's
    No.. PILL'S! (lol I'm joking you can just take 2 and take the last 2)

  2. can any one explain how he didn't die when he just walked past a hunting ghost? and it just forgot about him last time i played this game it would just kill you or turn around and go kill you.

  3. Tbh I hate how all maps are available to choose. Makes it hard to choose in public lobbies since ppl tend to choose the more popular maps. really miss from being able to only choose from 3 options.

  4. A friend of mine gifted me Phasmophobia 4 months ago, i jumped into a game with some friends, didn't understood what was going on and ended dying 2 minutes into the house. I tried again, same results… I was kinda mad because i wasn't understanding the game mechanics, even after 5 games (mechanics other than "hes hunting RUN!!1"). Then I found your channel, and watched every videos on your channel about Phasmo, and now i'm enjoying playing the game ! All these words to only say a huge thank you for your content, you're amazing !

  5. Hey bud, I gotta ask.. Why are ghost orbs so much harder to see since the last update? I understand on non foggy maps you can see them but on foggy maps it's so much harder to see the dang orbs!! 🤷‍♂️

  6. Wait i just realised but it would be so cool if instead of a random session number being displayed on the paramic, it would instead display the number of the case you are currently in (how much investigations you did +1 i guess)

  7. I figured out why insym heard the fan but we didn't, as the fan clicked he was talking.
    He could hear the fan through his headphones but through ours the fan was covered by his voice.


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