The Lighthouse inside the Lighthouse | Phasmophobia #shorts June 24, 2024 by Chicky TV Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Point Hope is here!!! Look at this new unique hiding spot!!! How fun is this? More on the lighthouse coming later today!! Remember, gaming should be fun! #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #shorts #phasmophobiaclips #phasmo source
I immediately recognised the lighthouse but was confused as f 😂I did not know the update was a few hours out! So glad and can't wait to play it!!! Reply
I wanna play so bad but I’m on vacation 😭😭😭
I immediately recognised the lighthouse but was confused as f 😂
I did not know the update was a few hours out! So glad and can't wait to play it!!!
My voice is goophyyy 😂😂😂😂
This is coolest tent design! 😂