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first time seeing not so many comments
Pretty thumbnail, magical case 7777 in this video, cool experiments. You work so hard, get your rest booboo
If your pc doesn’t have an HDD and only SSD’s, I’d highly recommend getting an HHD to save photos/videos. You’ll torch an SSD writing to it, they’re more or less only meant for reading.
Work keeps me from enjoying Phasmonday live but I am always so happy to come home to the VOD! (I DO miss the gambling though, lol. Belivers unite!!)
Let’s gooo you’re closing in on 1 million subs! Congrats
I am a big fan of Insym😊
I dont understand how insym is able to use chat as his ears. Is there no longer a 15-second latency in streaming?
57:22 is THAT why my paramic wasn't working until i moved past the reception building earlier? good lord lol
Ive been watching your videos for two weeks now and it got me back on my pc playing this game
Last night I learned that I shouldn't have a phasmo stream open to go to sleep to. I woke up at 2:56:44 where the ghost noises blasted my speakers for 2 minutes.
Thats why I dont use T3 Crucie haha
Either the timestamps aren’t working or I am not a premium enough youtube viewer
Anyone having the bug/nice shortcut on Point Hope where if you touch the wine rack on 3F, you fall down to 1F? Maybe that's been there a while, but I just started seeing it recently.
i always start with paramic on apocolypse challenge because i find it helpful to listen to the ghost at a distance that you wouldn't normally here it and also to find it
That last round was perfect
I love insym so much! He's the best at explaining ghost traits and all the tricks to use. Thank you for your streams! You are also totally a comfort watch ❤️❤️
one good challenge is the thief with random settings
What if they made a ghost that uses fire as its power source? Like you couldn't turn on the campfire or a candle or it would become super powerful. It would also be able to turn on fires/candles by itself without a lighter being in the map. I know the Onryo already has something like this but it's just a thought.
2:04:32 had a wraith burn a crucifix in the truck the other day. Guessed demon and was wrong haha
Just finished this one — what a special final challenge! Just wanted to thank you because I keep a notebook where I furiously write down notes about ghost behaviour 😂 I am training for the apocalypse challenge
Love it dude. I'm sorry to say, but I only watch some of your other stuff when I'm waiting for more Phasmo. Inspired by you I'm trying to do all maps Apocalypse-perfect games. It's hard as f.
Clutch mimic on sunny meadows! I enjoyed the stream!
I would love to see more of random custom difficulty with random maps!:)
52:31 wheel of names let’s you view results, so if you reset it every run it will keep track of your spins that game and you can count your tools from there
"You wont believe what happened in the last challenge"
The Phantom will drain your sanity even more if you look at it during Ghost Events. That's what happened in the second-to-last Challange.
Waitin fr the 1 Mili ……Shiver me timbers 🙂