The Most DIFFICULT Challenge In Phasmophobia

This was possibly the most difficult challenge I have done in Phasmophobia. No evidence and Friendly ghost means this ghost will not give any evidence and it CAN NOT HUNT! Sounds nice but some ghosts require a hunt to figure out what they are easier. This won’t be easy…

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#phasmophobia #noevidence #friendlyghost


27 thoughts on “The Most DIFFICULT Challenge In Phasmophobia”

  1. Me and 3 friends got back into the game after a long no touch.
    Your no evidence runs taught me a lot, most of the time if I die, everyone else books it to the truck and out xd
    Updates changed so much, a bit overwhelming without an insight like yours.

  2. i hope in the future this becomes either a weekly challenge or added as a new difficulty with a high multiplier where you lose money and get no xp if you get it wrong to at least balance the fact that you cant lose money in any way playing this and its really easy to farm with spamming games for mimic if it would have a multiplier

  3. I have been thoroughly enyoing watching the challenges and rewatching the vods. It's amazing to me how you are able to hear such, sometimes subtle, differences in walking speed etc. and I learn heapes from it.


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