The most DIFFICULT maps in Phasmophobia? Tier List

Hello! In this video I’ll be ranking all of the maps in regards to their difficulty, ranking from S (most difficult) to D (least difficult). These rankings will be based on my own experiences and I’ll be explaining my reasoning for each one and why I think they belong there.
I’ll also rate each map individually on how easy they are to navigate and how safe I feel which will contribute towards my overall map rankings.

I stream on Twitch!

00:00 Intro
00:43 Tanglewood
02:17 Ridgeview
04:04 Edgefield
05:57 Bleasdale
07:32 Grafton
09:06 High School
11:39 Asylum
13:34 Prison
16:03 Outro


36 thoughts on “The most DIFFICULT maps in Phasmophobia? Tier List”

  1. As a hunter that prefere to hide more then run/loop, my list would be different enough. In prison i nearly always have the ghost room near the entrance and i find pretty easy to reach a room difficult for the ghost to reach and hide in there. I found it to be as easy as tanglewood, while the large corridors and doors of the farmhouses are mostly lethal to me. Probably is good thing for the game

  2. Personally, I’d give Asylum a 4 in safety, simply because while there may be a lot of rooms to hide in if you’re facing a revenant, a lot of them can be spaced fairly far apart, making it harder to break LOS compared to the high school where you can just jump into a classroom or dip around the corner when you need to at a moment’s notice.

  3. The question I've been wondering for a while:
    What does dirty water mean? like does the ghost wash their hands in it? or their face? what is the lore behind it?

    Another question is: what does the bone represent? is it the ghosts remains? or a person that the ghost has killed? I would love these questions to be answered by an expert like you 🙂

  4. in my opinion the most dangerous is asylum. unlike prison, asylum have really small corridors and really dark rooms. In prison it is still possible to outrun the ghost but in asylum there are lots of dead ends.

  5. me and my friends did highschool once and we didnt found the ghost room and no evidence only we got where lot of random hunts while we went though the school and the ghost was a revenant we hid alot in class rooms and toliets and we always avoid prison and highschool and asylum we always go the for small or medium maps

  6. Im not sure if its edgefield or ridgeview, but in one of them every upstairs room has some sort of extra room (big closet, bathroom, or just a cabinet) which makes it easy to hide even in the new AI system cause you can still get into the extra rooms in time

  7. We've gotten three, yes three, ghosts that ALL appreared in the upstairs stairway hall in Ridgefield and it is the most headache-inducing thing ever- albeit perfectly terrifying.
    You can't hide when it's territory covers all the closets and doors.
    Also funniest damn thing… our first ghost on Prison was a revenant on the second floor in the conference room.
    This is what made me terrified of Revenants. I watched that thing catch up to my buddy as my happy ass sprinted out of there.
    Like shooting your friend in the ankle when running from a bear-

  8. I find the houses, particularly ridgeview, genuinely more terrifying than school, prison or asylum. It's just the upstairs that does it for me, again particularly on ridgeview with those claustrophobic halls up there. Then again, they're smaller maps and if you play on anything except professional you shouldn't have any trouble at all.

  9. Grafton Farmhouse has killed me more than any map and Ridgeview would be in second place…I have noticed on Edgefield that in most of the rooms there is a closet and if you try to hide in a room but don't use the closet, you are more likely to be found during a hunt.

    In Grafton, upstairs and to the right is a room and inside the room is a door on the left that goes to a bit of a storage room….every time I've had a ghost in that room it has killed me, never fails.

    Note on Prison…Before you even leave the truck, you can use the pre-installed map cameras for both block A and B to look for ghost orbs or other evidence before you even leave the truck

  10. In Prison, you can actually loop the ghost around the round tables if it happens to be in either one of the cellblocks. If the ghost is in dining room in prison, you can go upstairs to the balcony to see if the ghost speeds up when in line of sight of you during a hunt to confirm if it's a revenant. You can also loop a non revenant ghost around the tables there. Also running upstairs while ghost is chasing you, you can loop it pretty easily by taking the stairs down and then navigating towards the other set of stairs. You can also loop the ghost in the computer/office room upstairs. If you are good at looping the ghost, prison is pretty safe if you aren't dealing with a revenant.

  11. imo now smaller maps can be more difficult during hunts with ghosts now able to open doors and track players. larger maps are easier to just walk away from ghost unless its a rev. Asylum just takes to long with all the slow


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