The MOST EFFECTIVE WAY to Use the Ouija Board on NIGHTMARE | Phasmophobia

If you want to be more precise on nightmare mode in Phasmophobia you should stop figuring out high sanity hunters with sanity questions and rather do the method I am showing you in the video. I will also show you a way to be more efficient on nightmare mode.

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22 thoughts on “The MOST EFFECTIVE WAY to Use the Ouija Board on NIGHTMARE | Phasmophobia”

  1. Do you know how far the radius for raiju's increased chance under the "electronics" around rule? I'd love to see the Raiju in general being tested by your team. (Or are they still kind of broken?)

    Through personal minor testing after seeing on insym's recent stream (a raiju hunted early on nightmare with the only electronic being a camera in the living room with the raiju being in storage in grafton). I've only encountered 5 raiju so far today and took a break on solo grafton farmhouses. With the only thing in the house being a lighter and candle as I hide in the storage locker at 60%ish sanity.

    The Raiju seems to hunt early regardless of electronics (unless it has a large radius that maybe goes through walls). Though the more electronics around seems to increase its frequency for hunting. But will try with more cases.

  2. I remember one game in multiplayer where we had 4-th difficulty and evidence was fingerprints and dots. Dots was working when no on was in house, and when half of the team was in house. We were stuck on this map for like 40 mins because we did struggle a bit with figuring out ghost(we ruled out phantom during one of the hunts). Each member of team was in house alone for solid 7-10 mins and 0 hunts was from ghost, but when I entered house ghost started chain hunting me and in the end killed me. And yet it was Goryo. How in this situation we could figure it out? Hunts pointed to Banshee. Activity pointed to Goryo(maybe, no one in our team knew how frequent was Goryo activity compared to other regular ghosts).

  3. I've found the Raiju's mechanics to be either inconsistent or straight up bugged. It has early hunted with no electronics in the room (I hadn't even found it yet) and it's sped up during hunts with no obvious electronics around (the only things that were in the area at the time were a deactivated flashlight and an enabled Ouija board, so maybe the Raiju treats the board as an "electronic"?)

  4. Thanks mate found it very useful will keep it in mind next time I play.
    A question for you last time I played I noticed two things on the notice board in the truck a blank photo and a newspaper article with the heading blank. Is it possible they are doing a new map? what are your thoughts?


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