Enjoy our gameplay video of the Phasmophobia Christmas Update Ghost Hunting game. Phasmophobia is a horror investigation survival game played from a first-person perspective. The player works solo or in a group of up to four players to complete a contract in which they must identify the type of ghost haunting the specified site. Players can communicate through voice chat, both locally within a short distance and globally via walkie-talkies. Phasmophobia features speech recognition allowing certain pieces of equipment and even the ghost to hear players speaking and understand key words. Completing objectives and gathering evidence provide a payout; complete as much as possible to level up, unlock maps and difficulties, and earn money.
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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCniloZIerhmXUvYpuXEflRw A Custom Call of Duty Zombies map mod created on Call of Duty Black Ops 3 by Treyarch (owned by Activision), available on Steam. Join us as we fight our way through hordes of zombies while exploring the custom map.
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haven’t seen one of your guys videos in years used to watch all your custom WaW zombies videos 😀
Hello, I appreciate your videos, thank you
I used to watch your zombies Minecraft and ark series back a long time ago
Love this game love when u 2 play this it all was cool
Why did I stop watching you guys.. I should start watching you again, you two are awesome!
That Thunder is just as loud as the ghost event.
If you didnt know about the smudge sticks, if your being hunted and your cornerned by the ghost, you can activate the smudge stick and run around the ghost without him grabbing you and gives you time to hide
Shade is the one of the worse ghosts to deal with. It isnt because its dangerous but the opposite, it literally does nothing. It barly hunts, or gives evidence.
That 1st ghost is very stubborn, doesn't want enter his/her hunting.
Phasmophobia is probably one of the scariest game i've come to know after aka monto
Love this game & YAW playing it!!! Thanks guys for playing & posting these awesomely funny videos. This game is so intense!! Love it
Guess that shade really wanted to be alone.
Shade: is nerfed to do almost nothing and starts hunting at 35% average team sanity
Guns and Meaty: The shade is now the deadliest ghost in the game
Meanwhile the Raiju: "am I a joke to you?"
The Shade isn't 100% chance to hunt at 50% average sanity, its 100% chance for a Ghost Event, which you saw a butt load of 😛