She was right on my tail, good thing we actually got a picture of it
Neng’s Channel!:
Kengkue’s Channel!:
Uly’s Channel:
The fact that it’s crawling makes it 10x scarier
Lmao she crawlin like: Imma sniff you
my man playing tag with a ghost
Have you ever played "Pacify"?
Ouija board:
When the Ouija Board fails, the board will deactivate, the lights will flicker, and the user's sanity will drop by 40%, even if the ghost is a Demon.
And every time you ask the ouija board a question, it's lower you sanity from 5 till 10%, unless the ghosts is a demon.
If you get a picture of the ouija board when the ghost is answering, you can get money for interaction.
Also, voodoo doll, when you throw the doll, it most of the time goes to the room where the ghost is.
A great way to know if the ghost is a shade, it only start the hunting when your sanity is pretty low.
u wasted your own time trying to get it to talk through the spirit box when u already identified the only other evidence could be emf 5 or freezing temps LMAO
Who got this in there recommendations?
Edit: even though ur not subscribed
Bro, I love your content
When will you get vr
I had that crawling grudge bitch chase me through the entire house and as it was leaping to do the kill she finished hunting I was like wtf that’s super close
Ik this is totally random but what do u do with the different keys when u find them can u open and unlock anything? Just curious 😊😊😅
if it was a child crawler ghost
i found your channel by accident. can't stop watching now uwu
I wish my friends weren't this scared.
This ghost is creepy af it crawls on the ground 😳
The fact that
• it crawled,
• it wore a white outfit
• from an asylum
• it's freaking creapyyyyyy
lmao the way they slithered out the door.
ive come to the conclusion when playing with therm, if youre playing with celcius, if it drops below 13.0 even if its just 12.9, thats the ghosts room
oh you like phasmiphobia?
then cool i like how a game that has often uodates that has clunky but nice things
I’m pretty sure the word “run” is a trigger word to anger the ghost lol
It's be cool if the devs made the bones different (like different kinds of bones or being clean or bloody)
It'd be cool to see the crawler crawl on the walls up to the ceiling😂
"It's Shade or Yurei, so freezing temperatures or EMF 5 …. let me speak to the spirit box"
from simple humans to creepy monsters damn!
this is my first time watching your vid and i alrdy like uuu
You need a lighter to light the smudge stick, you need to hold the smudge stick while you have the lighter in your inventory and you need to press F
"How old is it?"
I love how it calls cause if you have to do motion thing it's gonna be harder bc it's on the floor so you have to move the sensors
Just found you love your vid’s but I would like to say did you even notice it crawling up the stairs
Why is the dude so obsessed with the board it already said where it was
2:45 she commin to steal yo man
Bro it's the fastest ghost in the game so it's really lucky you got away from it 😂 and sice it crawls when you crouch I think it will be scary
Whomever is beeping, change the battery in your damn smoke detector.
Dude, in order to use the smuchsticks that you call banana, someone has to light them up with the lighter. And please try to do all tasks, it will be much more interesting. You guys are taking it too reserved.
İs she banshee
"hey,talk to yourself!"
You can press T while holding an item other than the flashlight to get u some light. U don’t need to turn on lights everywhere.
You can press T while holding an item other than the flashlight to get u some light. U don’t need to turn on lights everywhere.
I died to this ghost in asylum
we need to get you to 1 million subs
Doesnt seem like he knows what to use on the start of the round.
This got recommended to me 😀
How do you nicely put the video cam? Mine were always flip