Me: “I don’t know where the ghost is”
Ghost: *Rounds the corner*
Neng’s Channel!:
Kengkue’s Channel!:
Uly’s Channel:
Filosofy? More like Singosofy.
Filosofy please don't hate me on itsa dumb joke
Lmao I live for the singing in this video, I'd be lying if I said I didn't sing along
Does Filosofy have a Discord server or Twitch channel?
Apparently there's an glitch ambience noise by the elevator that's near the center where the Cafeteria is that the Parabolic Microphone picks up.
Great singing and great content 🥰
Didn’t know I needed Filisofy singing until now
Wow, you gave me goosebumps when you sang that Elvis song XD.
Do a ASMR solo challenge next.
Im confuse you say you saw the ghost at 11:20 I reply several times but I did nt see any ghost I only heard noises
I’m on right now
Gosh,,,,why I'm loving the way his sing not the way he play.😂😂
I tried to get this dang thing to crawl at me.. haha it didn’t work out. I was shocked to see a ghost in pajamas tho.
Bro you voice is actually amazing!
The only YouTuber that help me sleep cause you man sing like an sexy angel and I want to hear and watch more in the next video!
Theres a sound artifact near the elevator behind reception, it shows as 15 on the ParaMic
Please give us the song titles that you sang!. ;(
You have such a lovely voice, please sing more in your videos!!!
What song were you singing at the start!
Bro you singing Hmong Sounders LOL
Your a pro in this game. U should try it in real life
Filosofy: Tell me why.
Neng: Ain't nothing but a heartache.
Filosofy: Tell me why.
Kengkue: Ain't nothing but a mistake.
Filosofy: Tell me why.
The gang: I never wanted to hear you say.
The ghost: I want it that way.
The whole gang: …
is it me or,,, is the ghost in the thumbnail looks like billie eilish ?
I didn't knew that Elvis Presley is a ghost hunter lol
other people scared shitless: you: just vibing and singing
You have genuinely good singing.
That singing actually put my snake asleep 🤣
Bro you hmoob? This is pretty rare 😂😂
Bruh you got a nice voice! No Cap.
Dammmn bro! 🎶
Filosofy's singing makes watching this horror game more like a casual stroll in the park
You have a gorgeous singing voice, thanks for blessing us with it. It was an unexpected, but entirely welcome surprise.
Filosofy could have become a Singer with lots of albums and success…
Also the song that sounds Japanese around 23:17
i see we have another Elvis fan
Still one of the best singers Alive.
broo 666 likes lmao
but we need 420666
I'm out too much singing, wanted to watch the game not listen to karaoke.
Ackk ilove your voice😖♥️
Dude… Someone raised you on old Elvis Presley music apparently. LOL
I demand your opera concert tickets now, Filosofy!
Might be the 7th or 8th time I've heard you sing, beautiful, but also DAMN. THAT'S what I call a fast mood change when you finish.
8:28 "Wut"
Filosophy's "Fast" counter – 21
Kengkue is the tall white guy, (not to be racist or anything). I just want to know because I get confused who is who sometimes and you guys switch characters in some videos
Use this website to help you and and the gang with more games and videos, it's really helpful if you think about it!
Sing it boi!