From what I know so far, the Moroi seems to curse the player as soon as they get a response from the Spirit Box. You can be inside of the ghost room with the Moroi for as long as you'd like and experience normal sanity drain, but once you get a response from the Spirit Box, I believe that's when you become cursed.
My initial guess was that by draining your energy, it means your sprint. So if it's chasing you you'll have less sprint and this scales morethe lower your sanity.
As for the footsteps, they have made the time between each footstep equal so it's easier to tell the speed of the ghost, before the footstep speed was a little bit random, it could go: dum… dum dum. dum. dum. dumdum… dum… dum… dumdumdum Now a normal ghost is: Dum.. Dum.. Dum.. Fast: Dum Dum Dum Very fast: dumdumdumdumdum
When I saw this ghost though it would make you move slower or put an effect on your screen. The sanity drain is fine but I thought that would have been cooler
I was playing yesterday with my brother and a friend and both my brother and I got cursed but no my friend, we both did the spirit box and my friend didn't use it, so moroi almost sure curses people using spirit box against him and the sanity drain is insane
It would be fun if this ghost could curse you with minor inconveniences for a bit. Like giving you an inverted Y-axis for 5 seconds and small things like that
So what i knew with it, me and my friend done several testing on it. We done this on pro mode high school. So we use the spirit box one person at a time inside the house near the candle. A response from spirit box will lose around 10 to 15% sanity.
Then we found out both of us lost the same amount of sanity by one at a time in house, so maybe cursed person will change target?
Also after that initial test my sanity is around 70s my friend is around 60s
But interestingly when both of us are inside the ghost room we got a ghost event and our sanity are now tied at 35% while holding a candle
We also check for control test for other ghost with spirit box with candle we lost around 1 to 3%.
From the testing I have done myself, I have found something about the Deogen that striked me as weird and as a possible hidden special ability.
Deogens, two or three times, did some very weird interactions literally one after the other. I was near a closet door, and the Deogen interacted with the doors three times in a row before stopping and doing something else. I haven't really checked sanity after this to see if there was any sort of sanity drain, but I have never seen any sort of interaction like that before.
Thaye and Moroi, still need to do more testing.. but that's a very weird thing that happened with Deogen to me.
Based from what I've seen from other people. Moroi will speed up as the team sanity dropped down and reach the max speed when the average team sanity is 0%. Also I think "being cursed" is the ghost will choose one target and drain the player's sanity more until either the player's take sanity pills, leave the building, or died.
is the new update out?
greaat work nuzz, keep it up!! <333
You should create a discord server!
From what I know so far, the Moroi seems to curse the player as soon as they get a response from the Spirit Box. You can be inside of the ghost room with the Moroi for as long as you'd like and experience normal sanity drain, but once you get a response from the Spirit Box, I believe that's when you become cursed.
My initial guess was that by draining your energy, it means your sprint. So if it's chasing you you'll have less sprint and this scales morethe lower your sanity.
i found the ghost room and i wnrt to the van and my sanity was 63 – 64 iss and it was at 100 when started the mission and it was the moroi
As for the footsteps, they have made the time between each footstep equal so it's easier to tell the speed of the ghost, before the footstep speed was a little bit random, it could go:
dum… dum dum. dum. dum. dumdum… dum… dum… dumdumdum
Now a normal ghost is: Dum.. Dum.. Dum..
Fast: Dum Dum Dum
Very fast: dumdumdumdumdum
This guy has balls of steeeeell
When I saw this ghost though it would make you move slower or put an effect on your screen. The sanity drain is fine but I thought that would have been cooler
I was playing yesterday with my brother and a friend and both my brother and I got cursed but no my friend, we both did the spirit box and my friend didn't use it, so moroi almost sure curses people using spirit box against him and the sanity drain is insane
Wonder if Moroi's weakness makess it hunt much later after being smudged, even later than Spirit?
It would be fun if this ghost could curse you with minor inconveniences for a bit. Like giving you an inverted Y-axis for 5 seconds and small things like that
So what i knew with it, me and my friend done several testing on it. We done this on pro mode high school. So we use the spirit box one person at a time inside the house near the candle. A response from spirit box will lose around 10 to 15% sanity.
Then we found out both of us lost the same amount of sanity by one at a time in house, so maybe cursed person will change target?
Also after that initial test my sanity is around 70s my friend is around 60s
But interestingly when both of us are inside the ghost room we got a ghost event and our sanity are now tied at 35% while holding a candle
We also check for control test for other ghost with spirit box with candle we lost around 1 to 3%.
Still need further testing for 3 players.
Hey if you just be a little more family friendly you will be the most perfect youtuber of phasmophobia because I’ve been subbed for 2-3 years now
From the testing I have done myself, I have found something about the Deogen that striked me as weird and as a possible hidden special ability.
Deogens, two or three times, did some very weird interactions literally one after the other. I was near a closet door, and the Deogen interacted with the doors three times in a row before stopping and doing something else. I haven't really checked sanity after this to see if there was any sort of sanity drain, but I have never seen any sort of interaction like that before.
Thaye and Moroi, still need to do more testing.. but that's a very weird thing that happened with Deogen to me.
Loved the video!
I just want put Nuzz in my pocket and protect him. He’s so wholesome I love it
Also Moroi never leaves the Ghost Room like Goryo .
Based from what I've seen from other people. Moroi will speed up as the team sanity dropped down and reach the max speed when the average team sanity is 0%. Also I think "being cursed" is the ghost will choose one target and drain the player's sanity more until either the player's take sanity pills, leave the building, or died.
Cool assessment. My group has gotten Thaye after Thaye after Thaye… nothing else new. You can borrow some of our luck if you like.