The New Oni is Absolutely CRAZY – Phasmophobia Cursed Possessions Update

Welcome back to the Phasmophobia Cursed Possessions Update! Today we find the New Oni! In the new update they have changed the Oni to make it a lot more active (on average) than it used to be. This ghost definitely seemed to follow that because he was CRAZY. Have you had any crazy/shy Oni’s on the new update? Let me know! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.0.2


21 thoughts on “The New Oni is Absolutely CRAZY – Phasmophobia Cursed Possessions Update”

  1. Is it just me or is this game getting so much harder to do for casuals (like me) because of Insym… even with a competent group we get our butts handed to us in even 50% of intermediate…

  2. Bruh i just had a crazy oni experience last night! On grafton i was looking for the ghost room and then two ghost events back to back when i just OPENED the door go her room. Then later I was trying to get footprint photos and I kept yelling "CMON! Patricia! I NEED YOUR FEET PICS!" then i paused and said "I mean, if you give me feet pics ill subscribe to your Oni-fans" and immediately she stepped in the salt in front of me XD

  3. This was basically a whole episode of Insym intruding on a ghost using the bathroom, taking a shower, washing his hands, etc.
    Maybe we were the ghosts intruding on their spaces all along 😳

  4. You know how they made the Potato to honor Psycho in the game, Insym? I think the audio from this ghost is the devs homage to you:
    "Hello, Insym I'm here, where are you? Stay. Help me. I need you."
    And other such phrases. This probably already occurred to you but I thought it was neat.

  5. I recently found a Shade that we all swore was an Oni. Really active from the moment we walked in. Hunted several times. It held off on the Ghost Writing and we were going to assume it was an Oni, just because it was so active.

    As we were leaving one of us was like, "wait what's that?" I walk in and I just hear scribbling. And it finally revealed itself as a Shade.

    It must have been as active a Shade as it could possibly be. It was so unShade-like I never would have guessed it to be a Shade.


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