This New Phasmophobia Update is genuinely terrifying! This was my first game on the new update and SO MANY scary things happened. I loved it! I really like the balance changes in this new update as well as the ouija board questions and other QoL improvements! I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.4.1.0
Imagine if you could summon the ghost with the Ouija board like that every game… That would be crazy. Hope you enjoy! <3
That line of sight bug needs to be fixed. Like the ghost just goes " oh hes behind a door? i guess ill give up now" just cheese. Wish this guy would play without using that exploit.
How would the game be if jumping is ever added?
Am I Insym? Immediate zero sanity. KEKW
Technically, a Raiju should be called a Pulse, as in the two movies, Pulse. I wonder if the developers are aware of the movie or they just made this ghost up and it's coincidentally a Pulse.
not degrees, but celsius.
27:08 The ghost really just said "Yesn't"
Damn, that was insane! Ouija board, 0% sanity, and an instant hunt!
Man this is f***ing creepy
3:27 Can somebody tell me how did insym know he’s sanity was 0%
I am thinking what was that ghost girl in his intro 🤔
Ah finally…. I can gasp and Shouts spamming "AM I INSANE?"
imagine if you could ask the ouija board "what type of ghost are you?" and it says revenant and starts hunting
I thought he said the ghost’s name was Robin Williams! Lol
can the ghost go into the van when you run away from it during a hunt on campsite and can you do a live stream on youtube
he is a gamer but he just dosent look like gamer
how did he not die when the ghost was several times right besides him? that's insane. And awesome video!
buying this game last month made me an addict. Now that i found this channel, I'm truly addicted!
That doesn't seem like a bug, that seems like a feature. Immediate answer and hunt to a question like that seems a really great use of the board.
Does it not always respond everyone and ignore some people? I played with my girlfriend and it answered ALL of her questions but ignored all of mine. idk how this works.