Hello and welcome back to PHASMOPHOBIA! Faith, Scavenger, and I head to a haunted farmhouse to test out the new update. Unfortunately, this means we’re back at level one… (not that it’s much different than how it was before lol). But now we have next to know gear, and the ghosts know it. Will we manage to find out what type of ghost it is and escape, or will I scream like a little girl and leave my friends to their fate? Keep watching to find out!
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rooster playing phasmo? congrats on 100k btw
Congrats on 100k bro
I just started playing Phasmaphobia and I’ve got 10 hours on it now. It’s incredibly fun once you get the hang of it.
I nearly pissed myself a few times making this video so you better fucking enjoy it 😂
cant watch it yet cause im n class but looks like a great vid as always
I love you I hop you love me
Rooster can u and Kendal grey colab and play hunter call of the wild together?
100K congrats
Babe wake up there’s a new Rooster upload
Walking around in the snow looking for freezing temperatures seems a little much lol 😊
Damn, seems like you grew pretty fast lmao. Congrats on 100k man
Yay we love phasmophobia ❤
Nice vid rooster
Bro no way this is my favorite game to watch. Love your videos man I’m back after forever.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Let’s goooooooooooooo rooster
Rooster the last one you could tell it’s twins because it did a twin ter action on the activity chart😂😂 I can explain if u want
Getting to see how you hide while Scavenger and I die won't ever get old, its so damn funny.
Bro I'm so excited for this video I haven't watched it yet but I can tell I'm going to love it 💪💪💪
Btw the hand was a cursed object
Ghost hunter becomes ghost hunted
Can you play dave the diver again
you shod play doors in roblox
grads for 101k
Hello rooster amazing vid very funny especialy when u start to panic XD pls do try monster hunter world by the name u can guess its only hunting colecting stuff capturing and ofc not real animals its a rlly cool game but if all DLC too with each thing like colan of witcher
are you an actual rooster?
I really like when you play Phasmophobia. The pitch changes in your voice alone are amusing. Some tips, Thermometers at tier one is slow, so after you find the ghost's room, just set it in there and check it every so often to see if it dips below freezing. Also, it is great at telling you if the Ghost changes rooms, it should hover just above freezing regardless of the ghost – unless it is a below freezing ghost for evidence. So, if you have a cold room that starts to warm back up, it means the ghost has moved its favorite room. Freezing breath is no longer indicative of freezing temperatures, which y'all figured out in the second hunt. Other tips, if it says it is an alone ghost, Spirit Box will not trigger if more than one person is in the room. I find it easier to hear Spirit box alone no matter the preference of the ghost. You just hear the response better and can focus on the task without the added noise.
EMF Readers are the best option in actually finding the ghost room, as long as it interacts with an object. Evidences like Writing, EMF – 5, Tier 1 Freezing Temperatures, Dots can be very slow at triggering, so the quicker you get those objects into the ghost's room, the better. One ghost will never give Dots as an evidence if you are in the room, so you need to upgrade to either a tripod cam, or the better Dots projector, so you can set it up in the room with a camera and watch for it. If it is in an open spaced room like a living room, you can step into the adjacent room or hallway and keep line of sight, and you can see it as well, through the camera.
Don't be scared to use Monkey Paws, Ouija Board, etc. Maybe not the music box, voodoo doll, or tarot cards, as they can all trigger hunts immediately. They are the cursed objects. It does drain sanity, but if you find the ghost room fast, you can collect the evidence more efficiently. The best thing about this game is that all ghosts have weaknesses, characteristics, and 'tells' that you can figure out, and make your life easier. They also have strengths, so be aware of those as well. Learning those characteristics are fun. I will give you one: Mares will never turn on a light. If a Ghost turns on a light, it is not a Mare. But, the Mare is also less active if the light is on in its favorite room, so it will be less likely to give you evidence. It will attempt to turn off the lights, it may even break the lights in the room. Keeping the lights on in its favorite room, may make it change favorite rooms entirely. The lights being on will also make it roam to darker rooms and start hunts from there. It can hunt you at 60% sanity if its room is dark. 40% Sanity if the room is kept lit.
you have closed your site?
have you got somewhere i can contact you?