Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In today’s video we are checking out the new update for phasmo which completely redo’s the shop layout and also adds cursor customization and a bunch of bugfixes! ENJOY!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9.5
i've been playing phasmo for almost 2 months now and it was enough to adjust to the old shop and now i have hard time getting used to the new shop
also i just got prestige 1
Not a fan of the shop update though. Previous version was way better
love the posts for phasmo keep it up!!
Red cursor looks ass on YouTube, I like it in game but it really doesn't stand out well here, probably the 1080p downscale.
Man, I love the new store its soo much better
@Insym I would personally go with Lime Green but that could get lost in dots XD
I'm sorry, but the new shop update is sh*t. Old one was way clearer and straight forward. The new colorscheme doesn't fit with the game and it's not simplified (as they stated) at all. The old shop had a great overview of the tools with images and all you needed to do was press + or – to add or delete stuff. Also they went a bit overboard with the colors overall, it's like we went back to the 80's neon time, while they dimmed the light of the journal, they added a lot of bright colors. I do like the cursor customization tho.
I think the new shop interface is more straight forward and easier to use. But the graphics dont match the rest of the games look. Its a little jarring tbh
I hate the visible cursor
To be honest, the Stockholm syndrome got me screwed up. I’m gonna miss the old load out screen, I swear it was so awful, but there was a kind of sense of achievement in figuring out how to use it. RIP old load out screen! I HOPE YOU REST IN PEACE! 😭😭😭😭
I'm so excited to mess with the customization.
Good update, old store was gross
Is this game on steam? If so, how much is it?
another appreciated quality of life change is adding a cursor on the video cams too. Especially the T3, when you hold it, it fills up most of your screen.
The projected outcome when placing the cam precisely should also show up on the video cam. that way even if you don't have a flashlight and the breaker is off and all you have is NV on cam, you can still aim properly cause there's a cursor on cam
I think the cursor needs an outline, somwthing to make it stand out and clearly visible. It doesn't have to be a thick outline, just thick enough to see black on black or white on white.
While i love the new changes to the cursor, i think a good alternative would be to also allow players to import/create their own to use in-game. The file for the default cursor image could be used as a reference to start from as well.
Maybe they should do the minecraft thing where the cursor displays in inverted colours to the screen behind it. Black on white, white in black, red on yellow etc
you should totally play the fear nightfall mod pack for minecraft
I found a new bug in phasmo that you could maybe use it as a Challenge
Finaly i can use the shop
Or invert colors behind cursor
Insym changing cursor settings gameplay
seems to be a performance boost too.
I miss the teeny tiny garage menu. It felt homely
Phasmo updates are a joke
Red cursor original open circle ftw.
Where's the rest of Lobotomy Corporation? ;-;
I can't see the Pacific drive gameplay?
with the colour picker it is impossible to make a proper pink, you can only do light red, because you cannot mix blue and red. it would be better to have a hsv picker or at least the option to add custom hex codes
I like the overhaul of the shop. It looks a lot simpler than the old one. For a cursor I chose blue as I really love the color blue. I don’t really care on the size of the cursor but for the color I prefer blue.
Casually taking notes of insyms solo load out
Holy moly this ghost is insane XD my favourite ghost BTW!
My cursor colour is currently nice light blue, I want hot pink but it isn't an option 🙁
what purpose does the equipment manager serve?