Welcome back to Phasmophobia! They just did a brand new update which adds the Easter event for 2024! You can earn yourself a brand new trophy and badge! ENJOY!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9.6
I don't know if you heard about it, but there's a horror game who's really special (using bodycam), it's called Psalm 5:9-13. Do you think you can play to it ?
0:00: 👻 Exciting Easter event in Phasmophobia with new decorations and a unique forest Spirit haunting challenge.
7:38: 👻 Exploring a haunted location, discovering ghost nests, and attempting to interact with the ghost.
17:35: 👻 Encountering a terrifying ghost during a hunt, using sanity pills, and obtaining a tier two crucifix.
24:29: 📸 Unusual glitch involving clipping under Ridge View using lockers and throwing items off the waterfall.
33:16: ⚠️ Changes to sanity pills in Phasmophobia update have negative impact on gameplay and enable trolls.
41:31: 👻 Unveiling the mysterious ghost in the game with new updates and challenges.
49:32: 👻 Speculation on rare ghost abilities like moonwalking by incorporating unique names in Phasmophobia.
56:43: 👻 Issues with lights turning off persist, footsteps missing, and challenges in finding nests in Phasmophobia.
1:05:59: ⚠️ Players strategize using salt and voodoo to identify ghost type, ruling out wraith with UV light.
1:15:10: 👻 Investigating a ghost in Phasmophobia with Spirit Box, looking for signs and completing objectives.
1:23:22: 💀 Player gets distracted by most common ghost, dies, and forgets to play the game properly.
1:32:21: 👻 Discovering the identity of the ghost in the haunted room using clues and process of elimination.
1:39:54: 👻 Challenging events in Phasmophobia required finding specific items around the map, with the Christmas event adding a new twist.
Timestamps by Tammy AI
Insym's passion for this game truly is heart warming. The fact he is such an avid player to where he knows as much as the developers in most cases is awesome. I hope Insym will continue to publish these videos because he is leading a "hoorah" for people to learn video games and enjoy them to this depth. This is such a thing that has been lost for such a long time. In an age of continuous instant gratification instead of living in a world and having to fight to win, he is truly a leader in this aspect. Best of luck to you Insym!
apparently 2 star photos dont count
I did not know fireflies were regional things. In the summer in the US they are everywhere. The more you learn 🌈
I also got jumpscared the first time I took a picture of the rabbit LOL
Are they planning any new maps?
What about console release?!?!?!
It says u just uploaded this and it was 8 hours ago… W YT
I really miss when Phasmo was more horror than action. There's SO much they could do with psychological slow-burn fear. The shadowy house with subtle movement was genuinely scarier imo than a pitch-black house (just annoying) with a bold ghost and frequent hunts. If sanity actually had effects on what you see (hallucinations etc.), if a ghost could affect what you see on the truck screen and that changed your sanity too, if there were more subtle horrors with fixed lighting, it'd be so much better to me. Imagine if the house sometimes locked you in–no hunt, but you're stuck for a few moments. The lights have gone out. Or the ghost actually imitated group-mates. Or the ghost is an eerie, faint translucent figure instead of a weird blink-on-and-off figure. Or there's 1-2 friendly ghost types you have to exorcise after following their hints, but other ghosts will mimic them to trap you. I think that'd be such a better dev route than more maps atm.
I say all this because that forest ghost spirit is such a good design, and a very horror-esque theme.
Stop spoiling stuff in the thumbnails 😢😢😢
They put me in jars
Kinda mad I did the weekly challange on Monday before the start of the event. If I had waited one more day I would have had dots to use and made the challange so much easier😂.
The challenge wasn't too hard even without dots. I got shade, mimic (who mimicked a deo twice in a row!) And an oni.
Can you do an apoaclypse 3 perfect game showing us the max profit of a single run ?
insym has never seen a peenie wallie?
hi twitch
when you all haven't done the primitive challenge mode, you can use this Easter update to use the dots and camera to have more evidence than the required amount, I do not know if it was intended or not but it just works.
Every time they update this game it legit gets worse than it was previously. The build from 2-3 years ago was so good it was the only reason this game became popular
Life hack, If you are still doing the "primitive" challenge mode while this easter event is on you can use the Dots pen from the basket and the camera for some extra evidence!!!
I miss this game. It WAS such a fun casual game to goof around in publics
Are you gonna do more dst? You stoped before the juice, just explore more there!
next time if you wanna see the ghost you have 0x rewards already so why not just make the ghost extremely slow
This is a noob question, but can you play without a mic?
Michael Jackson Ghost = El Hee Hee
(1:41:02) I would totally love to have a seasonal playlist!
But I’ve gotta agree with a lot of the other commenters, fireflies are just really cool to see! Watching them gives me this tranquil feeling.
bro ur chat is so chill i love how everyone says hi
april fools, they gonna add a small trashcan in the blindspot of any looping locations so you have to move a bit to avoid it and having player collisions in multiplayer to avoid stacking in hiding spots 😂
I had got the update a day before everyone else (because Japan.) and I have been waiting for your upload!!! I was so so confused on how to do this event, than for the vid!!!!
Watching this video I thought – You know what the dev's should do? Release a few new ghosts but dont tell anyone.
Your journal doesnt update with the new ghost type until you receive 2/3 evidence plus a hunt from it.
Obs lock it from a possibility of getting it for the first time on custom difficulty or nightmare/insanity mode.
Now that would be ghost hunt'n
Looks like an Alan Wake references