The New Update Makes Phasmophobia Look 10x Better

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we check out the latest update for Phasmo which completely changes the lighting system of the game and makes it look SO MUCH BETTER! What do you think? ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9.4


36 thoughts on “The New Update Makes Phasmophobia Look 10x Better”

  1. You: I'm happy it's a graphic focused update, it's nice to get

    Steam comment section: if they only update graphics this game is dead

    Me: Free update is free, I'll take any bonuses

  2. I think the update improves overall the visibility in the majority of the maps. However, i really struggle to see anything now when i'm farming at 11×27 difficult in camp woodwind, which actually nerf the fast exp strat for me

  3. My community and I called the Grafton upstairs armchair… GOAT Chair. It never let me down. I swear, the ghost could see me run to the chair and still not kill me in it. Now it can be blocked and no longer the reliable savior it's always been.

    RIP Goat Chair. You'll be missed ;-;

  4. Yes, IRL lights are affected by the position of your eye. What is going on is that the light color reflection isn't a combination of the light bouncing off the first object and the color of the second object, making that much more noticeable in game. The direct reflected light is the only light you are seeing, which is not how life works. Also, the cloth should partially allow light to come through, but it looks like it is allowing 100% of the light through causing it to glow.

  5. Game has such better depth now, love the update. Though was hid in a closet and saw light in the gaps of doors as if room light creeping in… cool effect, but lights were off in the room lol.

  6. They should make the rooms that are completely closed off pitch black, because that's how it would always go. If there are windows in the room but it's still dark out, it should be a little brighter due to the enviroment outside and the street lights, but not too much because then there will be no more darkness. It looks way too bright in my opinion to the point where you have night vision everywhere and anywhere.

  7. The new eye adaption is horrible. Look at a light and it just gets so dark. that isn't how eyes work devs. The GI system though looks rather good, especially when the light bleeds into the windows.

  8. Tanglewood kitchen light arent quite right. That room shouldn't have shadows. Look how many recessed lights are in there. That being said the way you can at least see more than an arms reach in the dark is HUGE. I've been thinking about suggesting an update for your eyes to adapt for the longest. Glad to see it in this update

  9. yeah lighting was bad in phasmo where you can take your phone and explore your own home then theres no light
    lighting dont live in a black hole where its just 30 centimeters of strenght

  10. with the sheer amount of time you've spent playing and criticizing this game, it almost makes sense to have you be part of an official playtesting team. if you and the dev team worked together this game would legitimately be the BEST ghost hunting game on the market. thank you for the insightfully beautiful content you bring to the table man, much respect.

  11. That ghost chase at 13:45 or so was actually so scary to me. I know, Deogen. I'm more than well aware you can't ever die to one in that scenario. But just imagine you're irl and a small faceless ghost starts chasing you around, even slowly. That's so horrifying. Perhaps with the better graphics it felt more real that's why

  12. I play on deck, and after this update my game is way to bright like I don't even need a flashlight now, I've set my settings to what I had prior but nothing seems to help, I can literally see everything without a flashlight although the darkness looks grainy now 🥲 I also play on default resolution (in the games properties) I'm new to this stuff, is there anyway to make my game darker-ish again without bombing my brightness? 😀 I love it dark lmao

  13. Your camera affects the lighting cause of the way game engines work, they fake light. The problem is that you can calculate all the light rays from light source to eye 60 times a second, instead you trace rays from the eye(camera) into the enviroment, as such your camera fundamentally changes what you get cause the game world cant just physically interact with one another freely all the time like in reallife


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