The Phasmophobia Streaming Experience – LVL 3069

This video shows you what a Phasmophobia stream is like. I don’t generally tend to upload full vods so this will give you an idea of what the raw stream on Twitch is like! There are 2 videos in this stream that have been individually highlighted as well, so if you have already watched “how professionals die part 2” and/or “Asylum hallway ghosts are hell” you might recognize some parts. This stream was really fun and I hope you enjoy! Sit back relax and have a good watch 😀

I stream every day live at 7PM CET, 1PM EST, 10AM PST over on
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Note: This video was recorded on patch 0.27.4


30 thoughts on “The Phasmophobia Streaming Experience – LVL 3069”

  1. This is amazing! Thanks for the awesome and entertaining content, and for keeping me distracted while I'm at work! 😀
    Edit: is there a way for us to play rounds with you? That would be really cool to learn the ropes from the man, the myth, the legend.

  2. I was just playing with some friends, we got a banshee to hunt, because we needed the objective of escaping the ghost. I think that objective only counts when the target locks eyes with the ghost, because we tried it several times. Can you confirm if that's the case or if it's a bug?

  3. You should do a challenge where you have to sit at the couch and just watch the TV the entire time. And if a hunt happens, you have to take the time to turn off the TV and hide, the TV watching challenge

  4. Caulk Chaos Challenge: Candles (and lighter) only light source. Play any map that contains caulk. You must place caulk upright in the ghost room, and any time the ghost interacts with the caulk you can roll for a random item.

  5. Help insym i got a warning from your discord for being a smart ass, then i got banned because i got two more warnings from the bot, and i don’t understand why, but after that i felt bad so the next day i went into your twitch stream and i got banned from talking on there too, and ill i did was say 1 or 2 sentences about how i was sorry and i told you to have a good stream. Im fine if im still banned from your discord, but i dont think I deserve to be banned from your twitch chat. Please either fix this or explain to me why i was banned from your twitch. My twitch is papa_toasty21 (i have a crab with a hat for my php) and my discord is Papa Toasty#5542 . I wish you the best of luck in streaming and youtube, and i really enjoy the content.

  6. 😂😂😂😂Lmao…. Insym: c’mon give me an emf level 5, you’re not a book ghost ar…. Nancy writes in book 📖…. Insym: I effing hate you


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